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Harvey's POV

Wow. Max and I have the same exact birthday. Even the year. That's freaky.

I turned to look at my clock. It read 11:47. I should probably get some sleep.


it's getting late so imma sleep


just leave me then it's fine


get over yourself


you're an ass


why thank you


whatever bye


see ya

Max's POV

A few hour after Harvey had gone to bed, so did I. At about 12:30 I heard a knock on my bedroom door. What the hell? Who's still awake?

"Come in." I said quietly.

The door opened to reveal a small figure. It's was my younger sister Tilly.

"Why are you up?" I asked.

She shuffled into the room with her stuffed bear in her hand. As she got closer, I heard her soft sniffling.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked sitting up.

She climbed onto the bed into my lap and curled up in a ball squeezing her bear.

"Tills what happened?"

"I had a bad dream and...and something bad happened to you." She whispered through her tears.

"Shh. I'm right here Tills."

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked.

"Of course."

We both laid down and she got as close to me as she possibly could.

I honestly didn't really mind my little sister. Most people probably find their siblings annoying. But I love having Tilly around. And I especially did tonight. She made me feel less lonely.

She fell asleep pretty quickly and I did shortly after.

I woke up to Tilly tackling me.

"Jeez Tills what's your deal?"

"Mommy told me to wake you up."

"Waking me up doesn't involve jumping on me." I said and moved her off of me.

"You better get up before I eat all the bacon."

With that, I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs with Tilly on my heels. She tried to block to kitchen but I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. I set her down on the counter and looked at her.

"Tilly how long have you been alive?" I asked her.

She held up seven fingers.

"Alright and how many of those years have you lived with me?"

She hesitated before putting the same fingers up again.

"Okay. So shouldn't you know by now not to get between your brother and bacon?"

She shrugged.

"You're not the only one in this house who likes bacon." She retorted. Damn this seven year old had an attitude.

"But I like it the most, do I not?"

"Maybe I do."

"What kind of fantasy world are you living in shorty?" I asked laughing.

She hopped off the counter and grabbed to plate of bacon from the table. She ran upstairs and locked herself in her bedroom.

"Tilly!" I yelled.

"It's mine!" She yelled back.

"No it's not!"

"Then why do I have it?"

"Because you t-" I was cut off by Mom.

"What on earth are you two arguing about?"

"Tilly took the bacon and locked herself in her room." I explained.

"Looks like you've been beat by a seven year old." Mom laughed.

"Mom tell her to come out."

"Tilly come out."

"Okay." She came out and ran down the stairs still holding my bacon. When she got to the bottom, she tripped and dropped the bacon. Since she was unharmed, I grabbed the bacon and ran back to my room with it.

After I ate, I got ready for another day of hell. Yay. Oh what fun. 


[561 words]

this chapter is just max and tilly idek

but i meant to update yesterday but i'm super busy this week 

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