Chapter 1: The Dream

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*I could hear footsteps all around me.  They kept getting louder and louder. Then they suddenly stopped, it was quiet nothing made a sound. I could hear my heart pounding. I felt like I was being watched. I turned around to see these white beadie eyes staring at me with a curved smile. My eyes widen, I couldn't move I was frozen with fear. Then the figured lunged at me with a knife*

I jolted up out of my sleep and looked around, my heart was pounding. I was burning up, I was breathing rapidly. After a few minutes I started to calm down. I didn't want to go back to sleep I was scared to fall asleep. So I stayed up the rest of the night, and got ready for school in the morning and walked to school since I don't live that far from it. When I got there like normal Justin came up and put me in a head and I flipped him over on his back. If it wasn't for Justin, I would of been miserable in this school. After I helped him up we walk to breakfast like always and got food and went back to class. Luckily we have first period so we can talk about stupid stuff, music, and video games. We get to the room and sat in the back corner farthest from the door.

I looked at him and start talking about a Japanese band I found the other day called 'My First Story' "show me some of their songs" he said with excitement in his voice. We listened to them for about half the class then I started drawing my thorn vines like usual and like every morning Luke came over and started picking on me and like always the teacher does nothing. Finally the bell rings and me and Justin go to our next class where we meet up with my only other friend in this hell hole Aaron we sit in the back like usual and talk about music anime and video games. Luckily we have the rest of day in the same classes. I finish my work and turn it in and walk back to my and get tripped by Luke "oh I'm sorry here let me help you up" He starts helping me then knees me in the stomach, I fall holding my stomach trying to gain air back. Justin came over and helped me to my seat "why do you let him do that? " I look over at him "cause if I cay anything it's just gonna get worse" He looked at me with a concerned look as the bell rings.

We go through the next classes then get to lunch where we sit at the back table. I get my lunch even though I never eat. Me Justin and Aaron talk about what we're doing this weekend. Aaron said he was going to his dad's, Justin talked about going to his grandparents, I told them I was just gonna stay at home. The rings for the last class and we head to science and sit at our table. I put my headphones on and listen to music loudly. We get our worksheets for the day and I finished first and turned it before going back to my seat and lay my head. I sleep til the bell and had the same dream as last night. 

The final bell rings and head outside and walk home with my music blaring. I get home and go up to my room and draw listen to my stereo. A few hours later my mom comes home and asks how my day was and of course I lied. I don't want her to worry about me. A few more hours pass and my dad comes home and sits in his chair and falls asleep before dinner. I come down and get dinner and then go back up and eat. After I eat I go to the bathroom and lift up shirt and see the bruise Luke left on my stomach. I go lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling before falling asleep a few minutes later.

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