Chapter 3

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It was night time, and I have locked myself in my room wanting nothing, but to die. Wolf howls filled the night. Everyone blames me for not coming earlier when I should have. It's my fault that multiple people are still being held against there will including my brother. Why did it have been like this? I wish I was normal like the rest of the pack or be human even for a day, but that would help what's happening now.

Everything was silent, and everyone was now asleep except me I couldn't with the thought of my brother being used for information or predicting what will happen. I would if he's being tortured or molested.

I put my hand on the window tracing the flow of raindrops. I felt numb not wanting to feel the pain, but it gets to me. I'm surprised no has come to yell at me not even Alpha Carlos has. I heard some on knock on my door I didn't answer.

"Open the door, Casey."I knew it was Alpha Carlos I really didn't want to see anyone.

" GO away I didn't mean to I swear. Just leave me alone." I said quietly. That didn't make him happy. He started pounding on the door. I quickly opened the door and sat back by the window. He came in and closed the door. I bet he was upset with me.

" Stand in front of me Right Now." He demanded. I ignored him and continued to trace the raindrops on the window. Carlos stomped his way to me and yanked my hair with the intention of hurting me. He forced me onto my own bed and climbed on top of me towering my small frame.

" Listen to what I do what I tell you to do" He spat. His face was scrunched up, his eyes were no longer brown, but red, and he bared his teeth telling me he was Alpha. I couldn't help but cry. It wouldn't be unusual if he had killed me right then and there. I felt the bed shift as Alpha Carlos came close to my face. He forced his lips on mine, and I didn't like it. I tried to push him off. Carlos bit down on my lip and forcefully wrapped his tongue around mine. I kept kick and trying to shove him off, but he wouldn't. He finally let go of my lips and grinned. I slapped him as hard as I could and quickly got away from him.

" Don't touch me ever again!"

" You Don't Tell Me What To Do, I'm The Alpha Here, and you do what I say. I Tell You Where to go, Where to be, You have responsibilities to this Pack!" He spat.He grabbed my arms firmly, and I yanked away from him.

" Your just mad, because I paid more attention to my brother, and Luis more than you. Your Just Jealous! You never wanted him near me. You didn't want either of them near me " I yelled.

I couldn't take any more of this, I quickly grabbed my bad sitting on the chair and jumped off the balcony. I couldn't be here where the pack was, they wouldn't even care I was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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