The meeting

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Movie night, something me and my friends enjoyed doing every Thursday night. But things don't always go as planned.

"Okay Alya you can do this, it's just another movie night with Adrien and Marinette", she thought to herself as she flew toward the manor. She landed softly on the pavement, hid her wings and walked up to the front doors.

She knocked gently, thinking of what movie they could watch. Then she saw her life long crush open the door, his name was Gabriel William Agreste.

"Ms. Césaire, what are you doing here?", he said firmly as he slowly opened the door.
"I came to take you... I-I mean Adrien to the movies with some friends", she said bluntly while turning bright red.
"Of course, I'll go get him and you can come in if you want", he calmly said as he opened the door more.
"Th-thanks", she quickly said as she walked through the door and looked around the entrance. Moving her hair back from her face, she watched Mr. Agreste go up the stairs and down a hallway. "Wow, it's so beautiful in here", she said aloud, not realizing that she did.
"Hi Alya, ready to go?", Adrien said calmly and smiled as he walked downstairs with his father following him.
"Hey Adrien, yeah I'm ready to go", she said noticing something covered by a tarp. "What's that?", she asked while walking towards the object.

As she removed the tarp she saw a beautiful white grand piano, covered in dust with some music papers still on the stand. She gasped.

"This is Mrs. Agreste's piano!!", she exciting said as she softly wiped the dust away. "It's been so long, yet I remember every lesson I had with her", she calmly exclaimed and continued wiping off the dust.
"Indeed this was her piano", Gabriel said sadly and walked up to her, "would you like to play it?"
She sat down at the piano thinking of a song to play and put her foot on the petal, "I would love to".
Adrien smiles softly and checks his phone. "I've got a missed call from Marinette?" "I probably should text her back", he added as he texts Mari back.

Gabriel watched Alya play the piano with ease like she always had and yet was still amazed by her talent.

"Elizabeth taught you well Ms. Césaire", he said as he sat down and listened to her playing.
"Indeed she did", she calmly while she continued playing "but even I could never measure up to what Elizabeth did whenever she played", she added as her hands began to shake. "Please don't do this to me, not again", she whispered to herself while tearing up.
"Yeah mom was that type of person and Mari said that you could pick the movie this time", Adrien explained as he sighed softly and watched Alya play.

As Alya watched her hands shake more with every touch of a key, her eyes became overrun with tears as they dripped onto the keys and her hands.

"All I ask is to finish this song, please", she whispered to herself as she slowly stopped using the petals.
Gabriel notices that Alya is crying, gets up and walks over to her, "there's no reason to be nervous", he said calmly as he rubbed her back.
Fully crying and hands shaking, she stops playing, puts her hands down on her legs and cries. "I can't even finish one song because of this", she exclaimed through all her tears.
"We should get going Alya, it's already late", he said a little annoyed and walks up to her.
"I'm sorry", Alya said as she lifted herself from the piano and into the air.
"It's alright", Gabriel said showing a warm smile while looking at her in the air.

Still crying and shaking all over, Alya burst into flames by use of her magic and scares both Gabriel and Adrien.

"Please Alya", Adrien said scarcely and gulps as he backs him and his father up.
"No", she yelled and picked him up by his arms. "Don't you get it, I can't do anything anymore because of her death", she added as the flames enlarged more.

Adrien was looking at her shocked, worried about what she might do if he says anything and gulps again.

"I just can't", she yelled at him through her tears as the flames enlarged even more and burns Adrien.

Seeing her like this, Adrien cries silently from the flames burning his arms and doesn't say a single word to her.

"I could play perfectly for years, but after she died I just stopped playing", she yelled once more and burns him again.
"Just kill me already!!", he yelled at her through his tears and gulps.

Finally noticing his burns, Alya sets him on the floor unharmed, opens the front doors and runs into the rain still engulfed in flames. But being in flames, the water hits her skin and forces her scream in pain.

"You should come back inside, I wouldn't want you to get a cold", Gabriel explained as he walked outside.
Being soaked in water when her flames go out, she walks to the door and sees Adrien run upstairs, "I guess so".
"I know it's hard with Elizabeth being gone, but it most certainly does not give you any reason to hurt my son like that!!", he exclaimed as he raised his voice at her in anger.

Shocked by his sudden raise of voice, Alya falls on her knees, still soaked in water and cries from scarcity.

"Pl-please don't p-punish me, I b-beg of you", she said through her tears and bows at his feet.
"Ms. Césaire, do honestly think that I would punish you?", he firmly said and bent down to her height. "I don't even know a single thing about you and there's no need to beg me", he added.
"N-no I don't but we could get to know each other, although I'm sure after what I did to Adrien you probably want me to leave", she said sadly as she raises her head and body up slowly.
"Besides the only people who have the authority to punish you would be your caretakers but I'm guessing that you need somewhere to stay, don't you?", he calmly explained as he took a sketch book from a drawer and starts drawing.
"Yes sir, I-I do", she said quickly nodding her head and wipes her pouring tears.
"Hmmm?..... I've got a proposal to ask of you", he said calmly as he wrapped a towel around her to dry her off and wipes her tears gently.
"What is your proposal, Mr. Agreste?", she asked curiously while she changed her clothes with magic and dries her hair off.
"You can stay here as long as you help me with my designs and help Adrien out with school". "Will you accept my proposal Ms. Césaire?", he added while he continued drawing.
"Y-yes sir, I accept your proposal", she said feeling like something was off.
"Wonderful, now you should get some rest if you-, he said suddenly stopping and noticing that she had already fallen asleep. "I guess she really was tired", he added as he picked her up, set her on the sofa, puts a cover over her, and walks upstairs to turn the lights off and goes to sleep as well.

For the entire night I slept peacefully and undisturbed, but my peacefulness came to an end that next morning...

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