The first kiss

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-that next morning-

As the morning sun glared over my face, I woke up to see Gabriel already awake and dressed. I slowly sat up, changed my clothes with magic and yawned as my fangs grew out.

"Good morning Ms. Césaire", he said smiling softly and putting some papers in a folder.
"M-morning", she said rubbing her multicolored eyes gently. "Do you normally wake up before sunrise, Mr. Agreste?", she asked curiously and stands up so she can stretch.
"Every morning I wake up an hour before sunrise and Adrien should be up in little while", he calmly said as turned around and watched Alya stretch her body.

As I had always stretched, I started with doing flips and twists in the air, then landing and doing 50 push-ups with each of my pinky's.

"Okay and I hope you don't mind me stretching, I only do it so I can beat everyone else on the track team", she happily said as she did an ariel, 2 flips and lands.
"No I don't mind you doing so, just don't pop anything when you do it", he said calmly and goes upstairs to wake up Adrien.
"I guess he does have a heart after all", she thought to herself and giggled softly as she watched him go upstairs.
"Morning Alya, your here early", Adrien said while yawning and rubbing his eyes.
"Adrien, behave yourself", Gabriel firmly said. "And Ms. Césaire is staying with us since she doesn't have a caretaker", he added.
"Morning Adrien", she said showing a smile while she does a 3 flips and lands in a front split.
"Yes father", Adrien said tiredly and watches Alya stretch. "How do you do that so early in the morning?", he asked curiously.
"I just do, so when's breakfast I'm starving, but not literally starving", she said bluntly as her stomach growls softly.
"In about 30 or so minutes", Gabriel said as he ruffled Adrien's hair.
"Okay", she said softly as she made a violin case appear in her hands.

As Alya's phone starts buzzing, she picks it up and sees that her dad is calling her. She suddenly throws her phone to other side of the room and cries as she hits her knees.

"I can't take it anymore", she said through all her tears.
"Can't take what Ms. Césaire?", he asked calmly and rubs her cheek gently.
"My dad threatens me and abuses me in ways that no one should experience", she said sobbing and hugs Gabriel tightly. "I can't take it anymore, I want the pain to end, I want my dad to be the way he was before Elizabeth died", she added while gripping onto his coat.
"Well if he ever hurts or threatens you again, I want you to tell me and I'll handle it", he firmly said as he held Alya close to him.
"Breakfast is ready to be served", Natalie said loudly and brings the food out from the kitchen into the dining room.
"I-I will... Gabriel", she said wiping her tears and letting go of him to go eat some breakfast.

After they all ate and had their share of laughter filled talks, Gabriel walked Adrien and Alya to school. But neither of them knew what was to come that afternoon.

"Hey Chloe", Alya said annoyed as she made it in the classroom door before her.
"So your flirting with Adrien's father now?", Chloe asked in an annoyed way.
"I'm not flirting with his father", Alya explained while blushing and seeing Adrien walk into the classroom with Marinette.
"Adrikins, she's flirting with your father", Chloe said whiningly and pointed at Alya.
"And?", Adrien said to Chloe as he set his stuff beside Nino.
"See Chloe Adrien doesn't think I was flirting with his father, right Adrien?", Alya said while setting her stuff down.
"Yeah and why should I care, if she wants to flirt with him then let her do so, father's single and it's her life", Adrien said as he told Chloe off in an annoyed tone. "It doesn't bother me much anyways", he added as he sat down beside Nino.
"Whatever, gold digger", Chloe exclaimed annoyingly as she sat beside Sabrina and spread rumors about her to everyone.

Later on through out the school day, Chloe spread rumors about Alya to the entire school and all of Paris. And it bothered Alya to the point where she almost punched her in the face because of it. Adrien, Marinette and Nino tried their best to tell people that the rumors were fake. But instead only made it worse than before.

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