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Heeji's POV

I walked through the hallway of school and I spotted my victim of the day , of basically my victim for every single day of the year.

" How are you , Lee Minho ? " I asked as I leaned on the locker as he stares at me with some sort of anger in his eyes.

I'm not the typical kind of bully.

To tell you the truth , I have a little tiny winy crush on this guy called Lee Minho. No , his not the actor Lee Minho but a student who is called Lee Minho.

I didn't dare to show my feelings so I decided to be a bully so that I could talk to him cooly without anyone finding out.

I'm fine with him hating me.

I'm lying.

I didn't want him to hate me but I didn't dare to express my feelings and I get all soft and mushy around him like a blob.

I know it's normal to like someone but he isn't just anyone. His the school ultra nerd that everyone in the school dislikes because he often just studies.

I started crushing on him when we were in middle school. We were lab mates so basically we have to do experiments together.

He did it so cooly and whenever I did the wrong thing , he told me that it's fine and what matters is that i'm safe and everything like that.

No one else sees his traits as cool.

People in my school sees cool as having latest trend items or branded good. Hanging out with the popular kids basically gave you a batch which proves that you're cool.

How ironic.

Cool isn't about materials , it should be about traits and not just what you own or the people you hang out with.

Anyways , no one knows my little secret except for you guys and it took me so much courage to start bullying him because my heart doesn't want to cooperate.

" Stop glaring at me with those eyes. " I said and he just walked away.

" Halloween is around the corner , you don't even need costume , you're practically a costume yourself ! " I shouted and I basically just humiliated him.

I walked to a cubical and started to ask myself questions.

Did I do well ?

Did the technique work ?

What should I do tomorrow ?

What if he really is mad at me ?

I'm just a really soft person that went all mushy around people that I have a crush on. Bullying Minho is hard because he is my crush after all.

When I got out of the washroom , I went back to class and I slammed myself on my desk because I want to sleep.

Just then , Minho walks in and everyone started throwing paper balls and paper planes at him while he just stood there getting physically bullied.

" Ya ! Kang Heeji ! " I turned over to look at the guy who threw paper balls and paper planes at Minho. He signaled me to fold them and throw it at him too.


I didn't want to , but I literally just made paper balls and planes to throw it at Minho but I might have accidentally threw it at a new girl.

She turned to look at me , she then looked over at Minho.

" Kang Heeji , it's inappropriate to do such stuff and it is considered bullying. Have you considered Minho's feelings when he was being bullied by you ? Do you like to get bullied ? " She said her speech.

" You should just get a life. " I said , trying to act all tough in front of Minho when i'm dying on the inside because of the amount of confidence that I need in order to say such stuff.

" Mind you , I'm the class's chairman and I have the fights to tell you your mistakes when you did the wrong thing. " She said calmly.

I rolled my eyes , " So what if you're the chairman ? "

The chairman was about to reply when Minho actually helped her to reply and that's when I went all soft.

" I don't mind getting hit or teased but it's wrong to bully others. I might be able to tolerate all of your wrongdoings but others wouldn't be as strong. " He said.

I held in my embarrassment as I sighed.

" Dude , look I don't wa- "

Before I can even finish my sentence , Mr Nam came in and start the lesson. I'm a pretty darn good student , I get good grades and everything but I just strive to be a bully just so I have the courage to talk to Minho.

I looked over at Minho and realized he is talking to the chairman and honestly speaking , I got slightly jealous at their interaction.

I sighed as I started doodling on my maths worksheet and did nothing except doodling.

" Doodling during Maths ? Miss Kang , I know very well that you excel in your studies but doing things that aren't going to help in your studies is doing inappropriate things in class. " He said.

" Do you want to get detention ? " He asked and I looked over at Minho to realized that he didn't even bother to look at me.

" I don't. " I said calmly and honestly everyone around we was shocked and I don't know why.

" Very well then. " He gave me an extra worksheet and I stared solving all the questions. I looked over at the love birds again and Minho is helping her with the worksheet.

Total envies.

If only I didn't start being a jerk to him , I have to continue having such jerky attitude towards Minho still.

I got irritated by every single small thing that they did together , even talking or teaching each other worksheets made me feel jealous.

I get drunk on jealous.

I looked around the class , if only I am able to show my true personality in class. Everyone sees me as a savage bean now and I can't change their opinion of me.

Instead of thinking the savage me is weird , they think that the kind mr is weirder.

I looked over at Minho again.

Can I just eliminate you from my heart ?

7th Nov 2017

Minho :<

This is also a 5 chapters book so , sorry to you guys :(

I'm not sure if this plot would turn out good but I know some people in my life who are like this and you know , it's just a contrast between how someone thinks and what someone do.

I sincerely hope Stray Kids would stay as 9 :')

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