{2} Stand Up

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Warning: Light violence.
Light bleeding (Not graphic).
Word Count: 1042.

Craig's P.O

Ugh... I'm so tired.

"Craig, wake up! You're gonna miss the bus!"


I sprung up quickly from my bed and grabbed my phone, almost dropping it.

I just have ten minutes. Shit!

• • •

Just in time!

I was able to get on the bus just before the doors closed. As I passed through, I glanced around trying to find Tweek.

He better be here. He's the only reason why I get on this hell with wheels.

I spotted him sitting beside Butters.

Damn it.

Tweek noticed me just about a second later and gave me a small smile; Butters turned to face me and waved. I just gave them my signature flip as a greeting.

Luckily, the seat behind them was empty. Not the best spot but close enough. They didn't talk much or at least there was nothing 'juicy.' The whole ride consisted on Butters complaining about how much math homework he had last night, while Tweek twitched adorably.

As I got lost in thought, the bus pulled over at the school, and you could hear the groans of students as they sat up to make their way to the exit. I followed right behind Tweek.

"Craig, why were you late?"

"I overslept."

He gave a me confused look, then quick smile that only I was able to catch.

You're too adorable.

Tweek and I walked together to his locker, my class wasn't too far so I stayed as much as I could with him.

So I don't fail, my love, at protecting you again.

"Tweek, did you get to watch Red Racer last night?"

"Agh! I'm sorry Craig, I forgot!" Tweek intensively shut his eyes, began twitching, and started to rip his hair out. But before he could, I took his wrist.

"It's alright, Tweek. Calm down. I was able to record it, so you can come watch at my house tonight."

He relaxed and I let go of him.


I internally smiled.

The bell rang and Tweek directly followed with a small nervous scream.

"See ya, at lunch."

• • •

I got out of the lunch line and headed my way to seat beside Tweak.

"I have detention, so you might wanna stay an hour at home before you come to my house."

"Gah! W-what happened, Craig?"

"I flipped off the teacher."

Kyle, who sat from us, laughed. "Classic."

Stan agreed, "It was hilarious! Craig just kept holding his middle finger up and it took our teacher ten minutes to realize it!"

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