Hoseok looked at the silver rock in his hands and felt delighted.
He walked over to the window and reflected on his deprived surroundings. He had always loved quiet Truro with its massive, mutated mountains. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel delighted.
Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Yoongi . Yoongi was a down to earth giant with pretty abs and fluffy eyebrows.
Hoseok gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a bold, gentle, cocoa drinker with brown abs and pointy eyebrows. His friends saw him as an aggressive, arrogant animal. Once, he had even rescued a huge baby from a burning building.
But not even a bold person who had once rescued a huge baby from a burning building, was prepared for what Yoongi had in store today.
The clouds danced like jumping goldfish, making Hoseok surprised.
As Hoseok stepped outside and Yoongi came closer, he could see the tired glint in his eye.
"I am here because I want Internet access," Yoongi bellowed, in a callous tone. He slammed his fist against Hoseok's chest, with the force of 7558 gerbils. "I frigging love you, Hoseok ."
Hoseok looked back, even more surprised and still fingering the silver rock. "Yoongi, I ate your puppy," he replied.
They looked at each other with sleepy feelings, like two grotesque, gentle giraffes gyrating at a very stupid engagement party, which had indie music playing in the background and two deranged uncles hopping to the beat.
Hoseok regarded Yoongi's pretty abs and fluffy eyebrows. He held out his hand. "Let's not fight," he whispered, gently.
"Hmph," pondered Yoongi.
"Please?" begged Hoseok with puppy dog eyes.
Yoongi looked happy, his body blushing like a bewildered, burnt blade.
Then Yoongi came inside for a nice mug of cocoa.
- turtle :p