Sybil had just been arested for 33 murders of incident young children. As she was not what you call one of the sane she was shipped off straight to the st. Wilfred mental institution and placed in a new state of the art straight jacket, the best restraint known to mortal man. But after all I have told you do you really believe that it would be able to keep her restrained then you haven't been paying much attention. Sybil was out of the jacket and out of the room as soon as no one was looking. Eventual the doctors decided enough was enough, so at that point the military rushed in the room and grabed Sybil by the arms and draged her into the operating theater, they strapped her onto the table saying that it's all in the mind so that is what they must remove. The operation was successful apart from the fact that when they had finished she broke out of the straps and rose from the dead! As you already know nothing can stop Sybil.
Sanity is only a measure of how large ones imagination is!