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So this is the end of you and me

We had a good run and I'm setting you free

To do as you want, to do as you please

Without me


For almost a week after Harlan’s brief appearance, Erin hadn’t spoken much to anyone. She had spent most of her time either at the beach surfing or sat on the balcony smoking, and Katie and Freya were starting to worry about the state of her lungs as well as emotions more and more. To their relief, she finally seemed to snap out of her bleak mood six days later and came downstairs to breakfast smiling.

“So I figure since I’ve been such a bitching queen for the last few days,” she said as she sat down and stole a slice of toast from Matt’s plate. “Why don’t we go out tonight to make up for it?”

Freya raised her eyebrows. “One, bitching queen is an understatement and two, I thought you’d never ask.”

Erin grinned, although everyone could see she was still feeling a little bit upset over her recent breakup. “I hope you guys will be able to keep up,” she joked. “We drink like sailors.”

Max scoffed. “It’ll be you lot who are trying to keep up.”

“Challenge accepted,” Katie replied, bumping fists with both of her friends.

“Brilliant,” Erin said, “So Katie, I figure this is our excuse to buy more clothes.”

Matt raised his eyebrows. “And Freya?”

Erin shrugged. “She dresses like a hobo anyways, and I can’t be bothered to take her dumpster diving today.”

Freya rolled her eyes. “Just because I’m normal, and see dress shopping as the hideously torturous activity that it is.”

“Yeah, we’ve got to give her credit for that Spiderpig shirt,” Katie said, grinning.

They stayed around talking for another hour, before Erin and Katie decided to go out shopping. “Is anyone coming with?” Erin asked. She had changed out of her pyjamas into a pair of dark blue denim short shorts and an old Nirvana t-shirt with the sleeves cut off underneath a light denim waistcoat.

“I’ve got some money to waste,” Josh said, shrugging and standing up. The other guys couldn’t be bothered, although Dan had looked like he was thinking about it for a moment.

Katie emerged in the doorway wearing a cropped Guns ‘N’ Roses top and ripped skinny jeans. “Snapback or beanie, Erin?” she asked, holding up two hats.

“Snapback,” she replied instantly.

Katie narrowed her eyes at her. “You just want to wear my beanie, don’t you?”


Rolling her eyes, Katie tossed her friend the beanie and put on the snapback.

“See you guys later!” Josh called as they walked out of the door.

They all piled into Erin’s car and set off on the twenty minute drive into the town centre. Erin pulled a pair of Aviators out of the glove compartment and put them on as she drive.

“Hey, are my sunglasses still in there from that gig in Hyde Park?” Katie asked.

Erin shrugged. “I don’t know, have a look.”

Katie leaned over the seat from the back, her hair falling over Josh’s shoulder as she did so. He took a deep breath and tried not to turn and look too obviously at the perfect view she was giving him. “Found them!” she said, sitting back in her seat.

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