Chapter 3

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Nova Pov

King got the crew to meet up at my crib today to talk about the spot being broking into. let get down to business who was suppose to be watching the spot across town. That when trey spoke up and said I was nova I went out to make a drop and when I got back shit was broken. okay so who was in the spot when you left I said. it was a bunch of rookies around it wasn't my called to make the drop devin called me bro and told me to do it I just did wat I was ask too do.

 Before he could say anything else I saw Paris walking through my door. I became pissed off with in sec I don't want nobody to know her and here she is. Btw  Ima nova and am 27 and is taking over the gang for my father. I am just like my father i have a bad temper and don't think twice before killing you right then and there.  My  main goal is to fuck bitches and get money. Even though I have a girlfriend and a kid of my own. But the person I don't play about and will kill you in a sec for is my baby sister Paris.

As the front door close everybody turn and was looking at paris. I jump up walking toward her. Paris wat are you doing here you know you cant be here. Nova I didn't know you was having a meeting today I was just coming to pick up my boots I left here. you could of called first I would of brought them too you. Well am going out tonight and I needed then now she walk pass me and up to the guest bedroom to get her boots. I stood by the front door so she can walk out the door when she come down stair. here she come walking down the stairs really nova your going to stand here waiting for me to come back. That because am trying to get back to my meeting ill see u later sis I lean in to kiss her cheek and she push my head away and walk out the door. As I sat back with my crew we talk about for another hour and I sent them on they way. King trey and me going to my club tonight.



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