Chapter Three

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"Mom?" Winter asked, tapping me on the shoulder.

I looked up from my breakfast, startled. "Sorry, sorry."

She smiled, walking over to the mailtray. "It's okay. I just wanted to make sure you were... good." She picked up the things that had appeared during the night. Flipping through them, she handed Xavier a few letters, Calvin a package, and Nicole an envelope. Everybody opened their mail, talking to each other about what they got.

I wasn't paying attention. Thinking about my dream, the attack, Quinn's voice... I couldn't stop.

Does this mean Quinn will kill Winter? No, it wasn't Quinn who stabbed her. Then who? And why? What does my daughter have to do with the battle ahead?

I sighed, taking another bite of Marie's croissants. The warm bread tasted so good that I closed my eyes and smiled.

"Lynn? You okay?" Calvin asked.

I opened my eyes. I just then noticed that everyone was staring at me. "Huh?"

Calvin smiled a little, like he was trying not to laugh. "I asked you if you think this is a good book cover for my story." He held up a picture of a battle, with Elizabeth's face in the clouds, like she was watching the prophecy come true.

"Sure, sure," I said, my voice a bit too careless sounding. Calvin looked hurt, slowly placing the drawing next to his plate.

Xavier looked at me, his eyes rolling towards the staircase. "Um, Lynn and I need to be excused for a second." He grabbed my hand and we walked up the staircase towards our room.

Leaning against the wall, Xavier ran a hand through his white hair. "Lynn, what's going on?!"

I sighed. "I'm sorry. It's nothing, really." Standing in front of the bed, I looked at myself in the mirror above my dresser. I don't even recognize this girl. Her hair is a mess, she has shadows under her eyes, and she hasn't even gotten dressed yet!

Xavier looked at me, a serious look on his face. Walking closer towards me, he said, "if there's something going on, you need to tell me."

Sighing again, I looked down at his hands, which were holding onto mine. "Last night I had a dream," I started. Telling Xavier every detail, I watched as he listened to everything I was saying.

"So that's why you woke up screaming," he added.

I nodded.

He frowned. "Our daughter will be safe."

I smiled a little. "And so will we."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. "You guys okay?"

It was Autumn. She knocked again, a bit louder this time.

I looked at Xavier, planting a kiss on his cheek. Walking towards the door, I opened it and went outside, following Autumn down the stairs.

By the time I sat down at the table and continued eating, I noticed that Xavier wasn't sitting next to me. Looking up at the staircase, I saw that it was empty, except for a quill someone had dropped.

Getting up, I didn't to bother to excuse myself as I rushed up the stairs. Normally I wouldn't be worried, but since the White Wolf attack, I couldn't be too careful.

Hurrying, I ran towards my bedroom and burst into the room.

Xavier was gone.

Teleporting to the outside of the castle, the area next to the brooms, I got on my broom and flew into the air, circling the castle. If Xavier was taken, I'd see the person running away. No person who lives outside the area is allowed to teleport without magical permission.

Searching around, I called his name. "Xavier! XAVIER!!!" Trying to shout through the wind, I kept shouting, flying over the castle many times until I landed on the roof.

Hugging my knees, I sat on the stone, trying to think. What if Quinn took him? Or Carrie? Did they send the White Wolves?!

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. Turning around, I was surprised to see Nicole walking behind me on the roof. She was relaxed looking, as if nothing was wrong.

"Xavier had gone to the Cauldron. He was working on an invisibility spell, so no one saw or heard him." She smiled a little, waiting for me to stand up.

I stood, walking next to her. Using her magic, we teleported us back to the castle and my broom back to the parking yard.

Relieved, I finished my breakfast and said goodbye to Winter, Peter, and Lyra. The three walked outside together, starting on the wide path between the tall trees.

I hope they all have a great day, I thought.    

Winter Is Coming (Book Three of the Lynn Saga)Where stories live. Discover now