" how can i look
at you and
feel so much
happiness and
sadness all at
once? "
in which a teenage girl watches her
best friends fall in love with a
certain red head whilst she
secretly falls in love with h...
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"BRANDI HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE ON YOU?" No other than Dustin Henderson yelled through the walkie talkie. Brandi chuckled at the boys frantic state. "BRANDI!"
"Dustin can you please shut up and I've got eight dollars on me. Over." The girl smirked at the amount the she had on her. "And you?" She questioned.
"Well between Lucas and I, we got six dollars. I'll see you at the arcade Brand." With that Dustin left. Brandi was the only organised person in the group, she was always one step ahead ever since her best friend, Will Byers, was proclaimed missing. Will and Brandi were like Spongebob and Patrick, though both are sagacious kids, the two we're tight. When Will went missing, it was like a part of Brandi went missing so when Will was found Brandi was his other set of eyes, she would watch over him making sure nothing came his way.
It was a little over seven PM and Brandi wanted to leave the place she called home. She walked over to her sister's room and knocked on the door, she waited a couple seconds before her sister opened the door, "Dawn, I came to tell you I'm going to the arcade now with the boys. I'll be back around nine, save me some dinner okay." Brandi told her sister.
"Do you need a ride Brand? I can give you a lift, I need to run to the store anyways soooo," The older girl insisted. Brandi nodded, not really wanting to ride her bike anyways. "Well in that case, LETS GO!" Dawn screamed which made the younger Haltston jumped at her sisters response.
"You don't have to bloody yell, you asshat." Dawn slapped Brandi playfully and ran before her sister can do anything back. "BY THE WAY, WE'RE GOING NOW!"
Brandi chuckled and walked to where her sister was headed. On the way there, she saw her aunt Heather putting something in the oven, "Aunt Heather, I'm going to the arcade with the boys. I'll be back after dinner!" Brandi said as she walked to the door. "Oh and Dawn is taking me there! BYE LOVE YOU!"
"Okay sweetheart, remember not to talk to strangers. Take care of Will 'cause I don't wanna whoop some monster's ass again!" She heard her aunt reply. She giggled at her statement and remembered the moment she threw a gardening hoe at the monstrous demogorgon. Brandi walked to her sisters car and sat at the vehicle.
As she entered their song came on. The two girls looked at each other with mischievous faces and grinned. "UPTOWN GIRL, SHE'S BEEN LIVING IN HER UPTOWN WORLD I BET SHE'S NEVER HAD A BACKSTREET GUY, I BET HER MOMMA NEVER TOLD HER WHY!" The Haltston siblings sang. Both girls laughed and continued to sing until they reached their destination.
A few songs more and they reached Brandi's stop. "And my our journey has now ended your fine lady." Dawn spoke with her best posh accent.