NEW FANFICTION // My melodious silence //

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Hello readers!
  If you've liked this one shot, please head over to my new book My melodious silence! It won't be this short of course, seeing that it's going to be "a book". I'll be updating it every week so be sure not to miss out! Do  vote, share, comment on the new book, add it to your story lists, library etc. I'd be ever so thankful if you could support my new writing journey ❤️! Here's a little sneak peek of what the book is gonna be like:

Hitching my guitar further up my shoulder, I tapped my foot impatiently in the lift lobby and watched as the numbers of the lift approached my floor. Seriously? What's taking it so long? I groaned.

I so desperately wanted to avoid having any contact with the paparazzi at this point in time, but it seems they've already caught up with the fact that Jiyong was teaching me. News flash people: I really don't want to be on the receiving end of that stardom, it scares me.

Finally, the elevator dinged and I let out a sigh of relief. The elevator door slid open and my heart skipped. There he was, his head tilted to the side as he shot me a crooked smile. Stepping out of the elevator, the fresh scent of his cologne welcomed me.

"Oh? Indigo? Good to see you here," Seungri said in surprise.

Oh my god. He remembered my name. Pressing down the flutters of excitement, I shyly bowed.

"What brings you here Seungri? Did you come to meet Jiyong?"

Really Indigo? Really? This is where Jiyong's studio is and that's the best thing you could say? My inner voice screamed.

"Ah... yes. I kind of left something with him and came to get it. I suppose you're here for his lesson again? " He playfully wriggled his eyebrows.

" It—it's not what you're thinking really," I hurriedly replied.

Seungri chuckled and shrugged.

"I didn't exactly say there was anything going on though, there's no need to be so flustered," he gave me a friendly pat on the back, "I guess I'll see you around! It's best not to keep the dragon waiting," he whispered into my ear.

I stilled as his voice sent shivers down my spine. His hand slid off my shoulder and he strode off towards his car parked near the entrance of the building. Shaking my head to clear my mind, I dazedly stepped in the elevator and pressed the floor button.

Get yourself together Indigo! He's just another one of those idols who are great with fan service, they don't mean anything. I glared at the floor of the elevator in embarrassment of my smitten self. Deep in thought, I didn't realised I'd arrived at the 8th floor until I heard stifling of laughter.

"I think the floor already looks afraid of you Indie, there's no need to burn a hole in the ground," Jiyong drawled.

I glanced up to see Jiyong with one hand tucked into his ripped jeans and the other against his lips in an attempt to cover up his smile.

"Hey Kwon leader, I'm just— admiring the pretty patterns on the ground, no harm done there," I tried to retort. Pity, there were no such "pretty patterns" because the elevator was a glass one with a plain white marble slab on the ground.

"Sure you did..." He draped an arm around my shoulder and led me to his new studio. He had recently switched the location of our lessons from the YG building and purchased a small studio for us to meet up. I couldn't fathom why he would go out of his way to do this but it made me feel at ease, away from the persistent eyes of the media.

When I stepped in, I let out a gasp. The interior designer had definitely put in a lot of hard work to make the studio professional and yet homely at the same time. The walls were plastered with different pop art posters and there were shelves of trophies he received at music award shows. An electronic piano was nestled in the corner of the room and a headphone hung on the score stand scattered with manuscript paper that looked freshly written on. Right beside were recording equipment and his desktop was switched on with recent loops recorded. Opposite the equipment, a charcoal black leather sofa contrasted against the red walls of the room and a round coffee table stood at the foot of it.

"Neat right? I kind of got it cause I guess it's more convenient and safer for us to meet up... you know away from the fans and all..." he trailed off, scratching the back of his head with an abashed smile.

"It looks wonderful Jiyong, thank you so much!" I choked out, my voice thick with emotion and embraced him in a friendly hug.

He stiffened a little before relaxing and returning the hug. It was moments like these when I question myself, what exactly have I done in my previous life to have such an amazing friend? When I pulled away, I saw that his mouth was turned up in a cute gummy smile and his eyes were sparkling with delight. I couldn't help but give him a wide smile in return. Just then, a hidden emotion flashed across his eyes and his smile faltered a little but he covered it up with a cough and broke the eye contact.

He strode towards his equipment awkwardly, and it was his turn to stare at the ground, mumbling something along the lines of "Anything for you dee."

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