The Story of Dave by : Lucas Wick

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One upon a time there was a little boy named Dave. Dave was a normal child in a normal world. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He is 13 years old and his favorite color is red.he does not have many friends compared to most kids at school. His school is Lincoln intermediate school In the year 2018. His family in very caring. He lives about a mile away from school. He does not get along with most of his peers.

They bully him Physically, over the internet, at school, at the park, and a lot of other places. His place at school is mostly secluded from the other kids. His friends at school are Josh polski, Matthew chandler, Derek stones, and Alisha leith. They are the only people in his group of peers the respect him and stand by his side. One day, Dave walks to school. Half way there he notices Joseph Cording, the school bully, walking down the street to get to school. He wanted to hide so he would not be noticed back, but it was too late. He had been spotted. Joseph ran across the street to see if his eyes were deceiving him, . . . . . ., they're were not deceiving him.

He walked up to Dave with a sickening smile on his face and spoke slowly and loudly so Dave could hear. He said, " so Davie boy, you ready to run"? Dave spoke back in a way that seemed like he could not breath. He said " no ". Then he suddenly took off to get away. It was obvious what Joseph wanted to do to Dave, he was going to pay him back for getting him in trouble with the principal. He wanted to hurt Dave. Dave ran to school and found his friends. He told them what happened. Then they formed a plan. They waited until they could see Joseph running straight for Dave. Dave ran around trying to get away while his friends scattered to find teachers to tell this to and Derek went to the principal. Principal Waters was furious to hear that Joseph was trying to do this to Dave. He sent out extra teachers and those extra teachers on the playground outside along with the teachers that Dave's friends got, went to help Dave. Joseph was caught chasing Dave around yelling at him. He was stopped by the teachers and Dave was happy. Although he had a feeling deep inside of him that was his massive amounts of fear. The fear began to course throughout his body when he realized the this May have made things much worse that it already was. He carried out his school day then went home and immediately began hiding in his room. His parents could not get him out and he only let them in to bring him dinner. The next day he was to scared to go to school and stayed home. He was the same way for the next 3 days of the week. On Thursday of that week he finally went back to school and found that Joseph was not mad at him. Or at anyone for that matter. He seemed different, like a good kind of different. He was actually helping people. David was still a little paranoid. He felt like it was all an act. Then principal waters told Dave that Joseph had a recent change of heart. "He finally began to feel bad about hurting and scaring others and he wanted to help others" he said." He helped a kid pick up his stuff when he dropped it earlier" said mr. Waters. Dave suddenly felt the urge to go see this for himself and surely enough, Joseph was helping up a kid that had been knocked down in a game of football. At that point, Dave felt at ease. He went to Joseph and said " well look at this, this is miracle" Dave said. " I think I am going to enjoy myself here now". " sorry about all that I have done to you Dave, I really am". " I even brought that baseball card that I took from you, so I could give it back". Joseph then handed over the limited edition babe Ruth card to Dave. " thank you so much" said Dave. He loved that card because he got it from his father as a present.he was so thankful, he reached out and shook Joseph's hand and thanked him again. Then Joseph asked Dave the magic question, " so, what do ya say, friends"? Then Dave agreed to Joseph's offer and Dave joined the football game on Joseph's team and they won. 26-12. That was the point that they would have a good friendship because they could work together very well. When josh, Matthew, Derek, and Alisha found out they were shocked and what had transpired that day. They were happy for Dave that he would not have to deal with the bullying from Joseph anymore. They all went to the gas station to get some sodas and saw that Joseph was on his own on the playground after school. They went and asked him if he wanted to go with them to the gas station, and he agreed. They went and got mt. Dew, for Derek, Alisha, and josh. Dave and Joseph got root beer. Then they started going to Dave's house. On the way there, they ran into a big problem. The new Kids at school, Tyson marches, Carson wheeler, and the leader of the three, Nathan Dakston. The kids slowly began to back up to take a different path but they were spotted. The three began walking up to them with a disgusting look on there faces.

Then Joseph turned the corner from being a bit behind from the others and saw the three and they saw him. The three looked angry, yet afraid. But Joseph only had one look on his face. His facial expression showed pure hatred aimed at the three. They ran off and one step closer from Joseph. All but Nathan, who took a step back at the least. Joseph took one more step and Nathan took off. Dave nod the others gave a sigh of relief and thanked Joseph again. They continued on to Dave's house where they played foot ball, and then went inside to play x box and they had a lot of fun. At the end of all of this, they all left and before Dave knew it,the day was over. The next day, Dave went to school and had another fun day with Joseph and the others. You know what they say, all good stories have a happy ending...... Well, most of the time. THE END.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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