Chapter 5- Darling Darlings

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At this moment in the town of Coeur de Coeur, Vivian and her sister Lilly Charles sat in their home as they had done each day since Chuck's death. Unknowing that their niece was alive again and currently staring into one of their windows watching them as they sat doing nothing.

this made Chuck sad to see her aunts this way,

"This makes me sad.. seeing my aunts this way."

So Chuck doing as she would do for most anyone, sneaked to their front door, a pie box in hand with a note tied to the top.

Chuck set the box down in front of their door and rang the doorbell, before running out of site with plans of Christmas shopping and with hopes that her aunts would enjoy this treat.

This did not happen. 

For Lily answered the door to find the box, and immediately shut the door.

Lily refused to trust anything left on their doorstep. Especially food.

"Was that Olive Lilly?"

Her sister Vivian asked

"No. It was a box, an evil box."

lilly stated with no actual proof of the boxes intentions

"Oh.. well it is good you did not let it in."

was all Vivian said before she returned to watching her birds.

Back to at the Pie Hole, Chuck had returned from her aunts and Christmas shopping and was currently trying to hide her purchases from Ned.

She stepped into the kitchen only to instantly turn around and walk out after finding the Piemaker rolling out the fresh dough.

as she stepped out of the kitchen she ran into Olive who stared up at her with a smile

"Whatcha got there? ooh is it Ned's gift?! I bet it is! it is, isn't it!" she stopped and gasped quickly 

"OR IS IT MINE!? oh, Chuck if its mine, do not let me see! ... or do." she said glancing between Chucks face and the bags she held

" Olive, calm yourself, yes its Ned's gift, and I need to pass through the kitchen to put it in its hiding spot, so. Can you please do me a favor?"

Chuck asked with a pleading expression and a slight smile,

"Hm, okay but only cuz I'm in the Christmas spirit haha Whaddya need Hon?"

Olive asked smiling at her friend

"I need you to do what you do best, get in Ned's way and distract him," Chuck said.

Olive was offended by this

"I am offended, That is not what I do best! I mean its something I do well but really?" Olive retorted, her hands now resting on her hips.

"Oh please? just do it for me? for your friend? your sister? the one who can possibly get you a pay raise if I talk to ned?" She said and chuckled.

Olive smiled and sighed,

"fine but only because I love you and love messing with him, otherwise this wouldn't happen."

olive lied, it would have happened.

Chuck thanked olive and waited by the kitchen door as she walked in,

"Hey ned, whatcha makin?" she asked, standing uncomfortably close to the piemaker, watching his work

"uh, oh hi Olive, I'm uh, I'm just making dough for the holiday pi-... could you maybe step back a little. Personal space being invaded... just a little please sorry thank you." he spoke rapidly  and stepped away from olive slightly

"Oh right sorry haha, I do that a lot don't I? I'm sure I do oh well," Olive rambled on continually getting in Ned's way as he kept moving around the kitchen prepping for pies, before trapping him in the storage fridge.

Olive looked at the Kitchen doors window while holding the storage door shut and waved chuck in.

"Thanks, Olive you're a lifesaver!" Chuck whispered and smiled as she made her way out the back of the kitchen and towards the apartments side entrance

Olive grinned "No problem hehe glad to help! You owe me!" she said and stepped away from the storage door, which flew open tossing ned onto the ground

".....Ow. that was unpleasant.. and cold." He said and stood brushing himself off

"Oh I'm sorry dear, the door got stuck and I couldn't get it open. hm, odd! oh well, gotta go, people need coffee and I need a paycheck." she said quickly, in the way someone hiding something would,

as she rushed out the door Ned grew suspicious

"That was... odd. even for Olive." 

but this was a thought for another time,

" but that's a thought for another time."

Ned said to himself and continued to work on his precious pies.



SURPRISE IM BACK! I know I'm horrible for saying id come back and then disappearing for another year, but this time I'm gonna be better about this and continue to write until this story is finished. so thank you to everyone who has continued to support this in my absence and voted on it! please comment any tips or suggestions, it has been a while since I've written in this story or seen the show, so my character writing might be a little off :) I will get back to normal soon don't worry! thanks again!!! XxOOxX 

A Very Baking (And Waking) Christmas, a "Pushing Daisies" fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now