Schmidt x Reader

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"Seriously?" Schmidt scolded you yet again.
You walked in, chocolate shake in hand, straw in mouth, for the second time this week.
Your smile dropped as Schmidt used hand gestures to be dramatic.
"Look at you!"
Your hand occupied with the shake dropped to your side as you looked down at your body.
"Just... seriously."
Schmidt rolled his eyes before turning and leaving to his room. Your eyes filled with tears as flashbacks from high school crossed your mind. You looked down to the still full shake before walking over to the trash can and throwing the cup inside. As the trash can lid fell to a close, you took a deep breath.
"I can't do this again," you mumbled to yourself.
Yet, you found yourself making trips between your room and the kitchen's trash can with stashed and unfinished snacks in hand. You rushed back to your room and changed into old gym clothes. When you came back out, Nick was just entering.
"Where you headed?" he asked and spun around to face you as you walked right by him.
"Gym," you stated sourly and left with the slam of the door.
Schmidt poked his head out of his doorway and frowned at Nick.
"Where'd she go?" Schmidt asked.
"Gym," Nick breathed after a pause of silence.
Schmidt nodded in approval before returning to his room.

***2 weeks later***
"You've... lost so much weight," Cece smiled to you as she entered the loft.
"Thanks," you smiled back.
"Not sure that was a compliment," Nick said from behind you.
You closed the door and turned to face everyone.
"Why would it not be? Losing weight's good I thought," you frowned.
"(Y/N), no one in this loft has seen you eat anything in the past couple of weeks, you go to the gym twice a day- four hours in the morning and four hours at night. This," he paused to gesture to your body, "is unhealthy."
"But Schmidt-"
"Schmidt's an idiot!" Winston said from his seat on the couch.
"I'm right here!" Schmidt yelled from his spot in the kitchen.
"I know!" Winston yelled.
"Jess?" you called and looked to her.
She said gave you a sympathetic smile and looked down at her hands.
"Well, whatever! I needed to lose weight and I did! And I'll continue to!"
You took a sharp turn on your heels and stomped to your room. You slammed the door shut before leaning your body against it. You cried as you slid down the surface and onto the floor.
"This isn't what I wanted..." you whispered to yourself and continued crying.

***2 weeks later***
You stepped off of the scale and smiled to yourself. 26 pounds down. You wrapped a fluffy towel around your body and brushed through your damp hair. You opened the door and stepped into the hall to cross to your room. You halted as Schmidt's form stood in your way.
"Hey, Schmidty. What's up?"
Schmidt's eyes wandered over your towel clad body before meeting with your eyes once again.
"You're not well."
"You've taken the diet too far. You've got to let it slip."
"You're the one who told me-"
"I'm an idiot. You were absolutely beautiful, I-I mean you still are, but I shouldn't have ever suggested otherwise."
There was a moment of silence as your eyes scanned his features, thinking. You felt your face heat up as a smile crept onto your lips.
"You think I'm beautiful?"
He let out a shy chuckle before returning the smile.
"Always have. Always will."
He gently gripped your chin with his thumb and forefinger. His eyes closed as he leaned down towards you. You closed your eyes as well and leaned in. Your lips touched softly before Schmidt started kissing you harder. Before you knew it, you were making out as Schmidt tugged on the top of your towel and pulled you to his room.

Schmidt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now