Chapter 6

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It is a bright morning filled with a lot of sunshine and warm breeze.

"It is quite hot," Uche complains, speaking to Chiamaka who is standing beside him.

They are standing in front of a high-rise glass building having flat windows. At the top of the building, you can clearly see, written in bold, the word 'MICROEDGE' beside the company logo.

"So this is where your mother works, wow," Uche says, looking at the top of the building.

"One of the leading tech companies here in Nigeria," he adds.

"Yeah," Chiamaka and takes a deep breath.

"And she is the...umm...," Chiamaka stutters.

"Let's just say not much gets done without her," she says and clears her throat.

"Say what?" Uche reacts, surprised.

"Alright, Alan...Uche, whatever, let's go do this," Chiamaka says.

"Umm, ID, you're coming into the building too?" she asks.

"Yeah I probably have to. If I'm close enough to your mom's office, I should be able to discern if there are any advanced talent abilities within that area and try to pin it to your mom if she's the one," ID answers, stepping out of the car.

"Alright. So you don't need to enter her main office then, cause I think she won't like it to be so crowded," Chiamaka replies and they all walk into the building.

The receptionist at the entrance tries to stop them from entering but Chiamaka just says her name using her mom's new surname.

"Chiamaka Davidson. You can confirm with my mom," she says.

"Already did. Sorry for the inconvenience," the receptionist says and hands Chiamaka a special card customized for her to enable her pass through the doors without interruption of key card or security codes.

"No problem, thanks," Chiamaka replies and walks with the guys into the elevator.

"Floor twenty? Wow," Uche says as the lift takes off.

While in the lift, Chiamaka throws a question.

"Say, how did you guys easily accept all these power stuff and how exactly does it feel, being treated like normal humans?" she inquires.

"Well, some of us discovered our abilities at an early stage in life, some were lucky to meet other advanced talents who helped them train and control their abilities. While some of us grew up in a home full of advanced talents," Uche answers.

"About the being treated like normal humans, sometimes it can be very frustrating. Sometimes, you just feel like bursting forth and blowing away all these puny humans and their little toys. Taking charge like the superior beings we are," he adds.

"Huh?" Chiamaka says, shocked.

ID stands there just looking at Uche. There is a brief moment of silence.

"Hahaha," Uche laughs to break the silence.

"It's a joke, you know. An A.T. joke?" he says.

Chiamaka takes a deep breath and sighs. ID smiles a little remaining silent.

"Besides, there's a body responsible for stuff like that, making sure the humans are safe from villainous threats of advanced talents, crests and unknowns alike," he adds.

"A body?" Chiamaka questions.

"Yeah. Like a team. Pfft you didn't think we were working alone, did you?" Uche answers.

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