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My nerves bubble in my stomach as I arrive to my spot earlier than usual.
It's a slow night in the coffee shop. The music plays quietly and the sound of the coffee machines is practically the only other sound.
It was raining outside today and it was colder than expected, so I was wearing a thick grey sweater and tight black jeans with my black Vans.
I quickly looked down at my phone when I heard the bell of the coffee shop.
My eyes flickered up and I was disappointed to see a younger brunette woman.
She ordered her coffee and took it to go.
It returned to the same quiet state.
The bell dinged moments later and I could have sworn my heart stopped within my chest.
He walked past my table to go order his coffee and I could smell his lovely cologne as he walked by.
My nerves only got worse as I realized I didn't even have a plan.
Do I go sit down next to him when he gets his coffee? Do I join him in line?
I stared at him as he was oblivious to me.
He had a long tan coat on and a button-up patterned shirt, black jeans and tan boots.
His hair wasn't pulled back in a bun today, he had it long and wild.
I liked when he wore his hair down because he'd run his fingers through it constantly.. which was amazing to watch.
Once he got his coffee, he immediately walked to his regular spot.
I slowly stood up and took a deep breath, slowly walking closer to the boy I loved to gawk at.
My stomach was flipping and every part of my body was shaking.
How was I supposed to say anything? What would I even say anyways?
I walk and get so close to him but suddenly my brain screams that it's a bad idea as I watch him pull out his familiar journal.
I spin on my heel and try to walk away as quietly as possible.
Gosh, I'm such an idiot.
Why would I think I could do this?
"Louis.." A low voice with a thick accent speaks.
It's Harry's voice.
I freeze and wince as I am terrified to face this beautiful boy.
I find the courage to turn around and face him and I wasn't expecting him to be staring at me.
My brain is now screaming and everything internally isn't functioning.
He just stares at me and I must be dreaming if I see the smallest smile playing on his lips.
Say something, idiot!
"H-Hi." I blurt, my voice shaky.
He smiles slightly and my heart trembles.
"Hi.." He says, turning on his wooden chair.
I mentally curse at myself. That was your chance and you blew it.
I'm unsure of what to do until he turns his head slightly.
"Are you going to sit next to me, or what?" He asks.
My mouth opens slightly from shock and I take my chance as I pull the chair out and sit next to him.
Both of us now sit at the bar that runs across the wall in front of the windows.
I tap my fingers on the table as he writes something on one of the pages in his journal.
He has the top flipped up high enough to where I can't see anything, which is probably for the best although I was highly curious.
I didn't know what to say.. I was so interested in him and I was sitting here in silence which was pathetic.
"H-How do you know m-my name?" I ask, my voice still shaky and quiet.
He furrows his eyebrows, "You're in here all the time, how could I not? It's either 'Grande Mocha Latte with a shot of Espresso' or 'Grande Hot Chai Tea' for Louis."
I just stare at him in shock as I cannot believe he just repeated my orders back to me.. and remembered them.
He noticed me?
Not to mention the way his accent makes my name sound.. it's my favorite thing in the whole world.
I blink rapidly, "Wow, uh I guess that's—"
"Why'd it take you so long to talk to me?" He asks, glancing at me.
I let out a nervous laugh, "What?"
He suddenly leans dangerously close to me, "Are you afraid of me?"
I flinch but surprisingly don't back away.
Our faces are so close that I can feel his breath against my face.
I'm in paradise.
I swallow, "I'm n-not afraid of you."
"Alright, Louis. Just making sure." He says, starting to write in his journal again.
I admire his curls and the way he looks while he's focused.
I know this look very well but I haven't been this close.. it's breathtaking.
"H-Harry." My exhale escapes from my lips and I instantly feel my stomach tie into knots as he glances at me.
He looks into my eyes, "Yes?"
My mouth moves wildly trying to find words.. I guess my brain wanted me to tell him that he was beautiful but that would be creepy.
I decide on something else.
"Your journal is really pretty— I mean, cool. Artistic. It's nice." I fumble with my words.
He actually smiles and my heart turns into a puddle.
I made him smile? How is this even real?
He sighs, "I started this journal about a year ago and it's become a part of me. Thank you, Louis. You're very kind."
I smile and blush as I fidget with my fingers.
He writes a few more things and takes a few more drinks of his coffee.
I try not to stare at him but I can't help it.
He continues to write and I can't stop myself from asking the burning question.
"You d-don't have to answer this but— what d-do you write about?" I ask, timidly.
He stops writing and sets down his fancy pen.
He stares down at the table before he slowly turns his head.
He looks me in the eyes, his eyes filled with an emerald ocean.
I couldn't read them quite yet but I knew that there was so much more to him then he showed.
He just stared at me in the eyes and I watched as he bit down on his lip.
"I write about—" He begins, trying to form his words.
He shakes his head and shuts his journal, "I don't write about anything, really.. it's nothing. I should probably get going, though.. it was nice talking to you."
He says, swiftly grabbing his coffee and journal as he gets up and leaves.
I sit silently in my chair, in shock from what took place.. but also the fact that he left early because of me and my dumb questions.

i'm not sure if people will actually read this story but if you do,, thank you so much!!!!

much love

- adrianna

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