::Previously on "Soaring High In The Sky!"::
"I could say the same for you...say...aren't you friends with...Elizabeth?"
"Huh? Oh yeah! I Am why you ask?!"
"How about we make a deal.."
"Ohhhh! A deal?! Sounds great! Whats it about?!"
"Simple! If I win then I get to have date with Elizabeth!(and possibly make her official part of Lamia Scale!)"
::Back To the Story!::
___::Author's Pov::
"Seems Legit!" Chimed Alice.
"I already have mine....so whats your end of the bet?" Lyon asked as he looked at her with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.
"Hmm...let me think.." Alice mumbled as she thought of possible Things she could think for her end of the deal.
"Aha! I know now! If I win then you'll have to be my servant for...hmm... for 5 months!" The blonde haired girl stated happily.
A lot of gasp could be heard from the arena. Gray was the only one laughing his ass off as he could already image how Lyon would look when he becomes Alice's slave.
"What?! Well...I guess I cant back down now..alright then I accept!"
"Hurray! Get ready cause im seriously going to dress you in a maid outfit once I beat you!"
Before any other word Lyon started off with his attck.
"Ice Make: Eagle!"
Dozens of ice eagles head straight towards Alice who just stood there smirking letting the attack go through.
"Incredible! Alice just stood there no even mobibg at inch! What could the Dragon slayer be up too?!" Announced Chapati
"Well...from what I heard Alice is one to have a lot of tricks on her sleeves so I bet it would be something impressive.." Mr. Yajima stated.
As the ice wizards attack 'hit' Alice the smoke had disappeared to reveal that the said female was not there.
"Oh cool! You make animals out of ice! Scarlett could to the same too! Thats sooo cool!" Cheered Alice as she was standing at the railing of her guilds place.
"What?! How did you end up there?!"
"With the help of my magic of course! And I believe that its my turn!"
"Plant Magic: Vines!"
The ground started shaking as everyone started holding on to something as the ground shook.
Soon Large Vines sprung into the ground and headed straight towards Lyon. Before he could even move out of the way One Vine had trapped his leg preventing him to move.
"This clearly isn't fun! I cant believe that youll end up losing to a girl! Ha! And here I thought that you where the same person that awaken Deliora!"
Lyon shot a glare at Alice. "That was a long time ago! Now im just a wizard at Lamia Scale and im going to be the wizard that will win this match and marry Elizabeth Bathory!"
"SINCE WHEN DID I AGREE TO EVEN MARRY YOU OR EVEN BE PART OF YOUR CRAZY BETS?!" Yelled Elizabeth as she glared at both Alice and Lyon who completely just ignore her since both wizards were focused on their battle.
Alice then casted out another spell which she had made a vine like sword and charged right at Lyon.
Well she didn't really plan on using her Dragon slaying magic due to the fact that it would use to much of her mana...but if it was really needed then she will use them.
Acak"Spread Your Wings! And let the wind guide you through victory!" -- Meet the New Guild in Fiore! Griffin Claw! This guild is consist of a lot of secret, secrets yet to be untold. Rumors about this guild had spread all over Fiore. Rumors had even...