The Crushee

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Crush. What does it mean?

Well if you search it online, Google defines it as, (v) 'deform, pulverize, or force inwards by compressing forcefully.'

But the crush I'm speaking about is the noun form which again, google defines as, (n) 'a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable.'

If you try the Cambridge or Oxford dictionaries, they define it as, 'a strong but temporary feeling of liking someone.' and ' A brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable.' respectively. Seems like google uses the Oxford definition.

If you ask me what a crush is, I would define it as, 'A lame attraction to a person that has absolute no interest in you, (if they do then you're one lucky ass) or is too good for you and, or doesn't even know you exist.'

Well my case was all three. His name was Nick Channing, typical 'player' as people would call him, but I didn't think he was one. There were rumors going around that he dated around a lot but I wasn't too sure because firstly, there was no proof of that cause he was never around girls at school and secondly, I refused to acknowledge all this because maybe I had the halo effect over him.

Halo effect is where you like a person and their personality so much that you refuse to believe that the person has even one bad quality.

Nick was not your stereotypical 'popular' teen at school. Usually people have the stereotyped idea that the popular people at school are extremely obnoxious, rude and had their heads far up their own asses. This was because of stupid Hollywood movies and the media that gave the crazy idea to people. Let me get one thing straight though, movies that are a part of the Romance genre generally suck. Why? you ask? Because they give us some kind of hope that our prince charming would come and sweep us off our feet (generally portrayed in high school) which for in fact is complete bullshit.

The movies make us feel as if we are missing out on this amazing high school experience which includes partying, getting drunk, going out camping or generally going on road trips, attending proms or various school dances and most importantly dating. Where in fact high school is mostly the same pretty much everywhere. High school is all about homework, tests, exams and some kind of activity that might include sports and various competitions that only the populars take part in.

Sorry about the rant, let's get back to talking about Nick because that is my most favorite thing to do. Literally. Not even kidding.

So he was this really quite guy, he had good grades (surprising right?), he played football or soccer whatever you call the sport(typical right?). Physically he was tall, he wasn't skinny though he was in good shape, had dark hair, light brown almost hazel eyes and his smile was shy.

He had a small friend circle which consisted of the fellow populars. They were a group of about six to sometimes seven. They were pretty rad people, never rude, I couldn't really describe them to you because I've never had an actual encounter with them. Well I never really had an encounter with Nick as well, but as you can see, Nick was an interest of mine and well I always find out about things or in this case people that interest me.

I haven't really told you much about me have I? You don't even know my name. The only thing you've learnt about me is how I have this crush, scratch that, interest or so called attraction or liking towards this boy called Nick and how I hate Hollywood movies, mostly romantic ones though because who doesn't enjoy watching movies in general.

My name is Carson Samuels, Carey in short. Well my story is for another time.

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