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Nearly a week had passed since Micah had seen Matt and Wanda had been to Barnes International, but neither of them could keep their mind off the other.

Micah had thrown herself into work, sketching and going through samples. Making arrangements to fly to Europe for the best materials. This was a big job. But she would do it, get it done and never see James Barnes again.

James had other plans. He was determined to have her. By any means necessary. There was a reason she was so guarded with him and he intended to find out. Do whatever he needed to. He had endless resources at his disposal and he would exhaust every last one if he had to.

Micah spent the next week laboring over sketches. And more sketches. Growing frustrated. Nothing seemed right. She knew it would have to be perfect for the Alpha. That he would never settle for anything less than her absolute best. For perfection.

"Goddammit!," she groaned one afternoon and her door flew open. "You look like shit," a voice said and Micah looked up. "Thanks Maria. Love you too," she said sarcastically and Maria chuckled. "Still working for Barnes?," she asked and Micah nodded. "This is shit," she whined and threw herself into her chair.

"Take a break," Maria told her and sat down across from her. "You've earned it." Micah sighed and ran her hands over her face. "I have to get something to him," she said, "or he'll harass me until I do. When this is all over, I'll take a much deserved vacation," she told her, "and never see his smug face again."

"Well at least come out tonight. I'll grab the girls and we'll have too much to drink," Maria chuckled and Micah nodded. "I can do that," she said and Maria grinned. "Good, I've seriously missed hanging out with you," she said with a smile. "Me, too," Micah said.

Micah worked a bit longer, handing the sketches to Wanda. "Make sure these get to Barnes before five. And then go home. Take a few days off." Wanda smiled and thanked her, grabbing her things and holding the door open for Micah.

"About fucking time!," Pepper said, standing up in her chair, pointing at Micah, who just shook her head. The bar was already packed and she made her way through the crowd, stopping by the bar and ordering a drink. 

"Glad you made it," Maria said, draping her arm over Micah's shoulder. "Yeah well," she sighed, "I've earned a night of debauchery." She sat down, listening to the gossip, but not really participating. She'd been out of the loop, distracted by work. 

"Earth to Micah," she heard and looked up, "I said, what is Barnes like?," Hope asked and Micah sighed. "Don't really know to be honest. We've only met once," she told them and Pepper looked disappointed. "Well, he's gorgeous. I know that much," she laughed and Micah smirked. "Totally  telling Tony you said that."

The night went on. More drinks were had and the girls relaxed, conversation going on. "I need another," Micah said, standing up and unsteadily making her way to the bar. "Two whiskeys," she said to the bartender, who nodded. "Put those on my tab," said the man next to her and Micah sighed. "Stalking me or something?," she grinned, turning to look into the steel blue eyes.

"Nah, just lucky to be in the same place at the same time," James told her with a grin. "You look pretty far gone," he said gently, "need some help?," he asked and she shook her head. "I'm a big girl, James." He smiled again. "Bucky. My friends call me Bucky," he told her and she raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like you need some better friends."

James chuckled and helped her steady herself. "Thanks," she mumbled and held onto his arm as he gave her a small nod. "If you need anything, ride home, whatever," James said gently, "let me know," he told her and she smiled, returning to the table.

He watched her closely. He wanted to make a move desperately, but didn't want to take advantage. She was clearly inebriated. He didn't want to be that guy. So he waited.

Unclaimed: An Alpha!CEO!Bucky SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now