The tortured hero

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THIRD PERSON VIEW ---------------------------------------------- chap 1. On a normal night, percy jackson might of noticed the large shadow lurking in the corner of his cabin, but this was not a normal night. He, Annabeth , and Jason were on patrol in New York all night, scanning the area for any giant attacks. They were getting much more frequent with Gaea waking and all. Percy walked into his cabin and collapsed onto his bunk. " something's off" percy thought. His demigod senses were going crazy but eventually he shrugged it of and went to sleep. That's when the form stepped out of the shadows and grabbed percy by the neck. He instantly jerked awake, face blue from lack of oxygen. Percy grabbed for riptide but the form saw this and got riptide first. " who are you?" Percy managed to croak out. " why, don't you recognize me sea scum?" The form stepped out of the shadows into the faint beams of the moon. " Polybotes" percy squeaked, black dots dancing in front of his eyes. The last thing he heard was " nighty night sea spawn."

chap 2

---------------------------------------------- I awoke to the sounds of chains rattling. I reluctantly opened my eyes. At first I was confused. I was in a stone cell with the only exit a tall steel door with a ton if locks on it. Well it was obvious that wherever I was, no one wanted me to leave. I looked down. The rattling I heard earlier were my hands with chains on them, attached to the wall. Then the night before came crashing down on me, like a giant wave of memory's. " great," I thought." I'm trapped in a cell god knows were, and no one knows were to find me, not even Annabeth." Annabeth. The name gave me hope. The name gave me courage. The name gave me life. The sound of the locks opening snapped me out of my thoughts. Standing in the doorway was none other than Polybotes himself. " well, well, well, the little mermaid is finally up" he said. " don't call me that!" I lashed out. "Oh is the little shrimp annoyed?" he asked in a mocking tone. I reached into my pocket for riptide but remembered that polybotes took it. "Looking for this?" he said, waveing riptide in front of my face. "Where am I? what do you want?" I snarled, getting annoyed of being helpless and confused. "oh,but it's not what I want young hero, it's what Gaea wants. I'm just here to uh lets say influence your decision with some tools of mine." he said, smiling evilly. I started to get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. "What does Gaea want?" I said, hoping to sound more brave than I felt. "She wants you to join us."

Chap 3
---------------------------------------------- I sat up groggily in my bunk. I woke up due to a loud crash in the Posieden cabin. I threw on my camp shirt and walked to Percy's cabin. I wasn't to worried about the crash. knowing my seaweed brain, he probably just crashed into something on the way to the bathroom. I stumbled around, still half asleep. I looked up into the sky. I guessed it was about 4 in the morning. I was about to open up Percy's cabin,when I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I turned around and gasped. Polybotes was dragging Percy's limp body behind him. I was about to turn around to get help but polybotes must of heard me gasp because he whirled around, knife to Percy's throat. When he saw me he evilly smiled. then he put a fingerto his lips and made a shushing sound. "or else"he said. then he cut percy on the arm and walked away. "No no no no no!" I cried,dropping to the floor. The love of my life has been taken from me yet again, and I couldn't do anything about it or he would die. I felt as if I was holding the sky again, yet this time percy was not here to take it. I started crying again. "No! I thought. percy wouldn't want me to cry! he would want me to fight!" with that thought still in my mind, I went to go find Chiron. polybotes wouldn't know, right?

----------------------------------------------"You want me to join you? You must be kidding. I would never betray my friends!" I yelled, outraged that he would consider that. "See, that's were I come in. I will torture day and night, heal you with water so I could do it again, until you betray your so called friends and join us!" polybotes must think I'm crazy. my fatal flaw is personal loyalty. I would never hurt my friends like that. No matter how much he broke me. "Do your worst!" I challenged. "Fine, let the fun begin!"

chap 4
---------------------------------------------- It was seven o'clock when I finally found Chiron. it pained me to think that percy, my percy, has been in polybotes grasp for 3 hours. Tears threatened to fall out. "What is wrong with you annabeth, you never cry! Stupid seaweed brain made you soft! MY stupid seaweed brain made me soft. not again not in front of everyone." I held in my tears as Chiron started to speak. we were currently in a council meeting with all the cabin leaders to discuss percy. "Campers, campers, settle down. I am guessing that you are wondering why you are here. It involves percy." At the sound of Percy's name everyone started muttering. My own heart did a little twist. "It has come to my attention, Chiron continued, ignoring the campers," that percy has been captured by Polybotes, the giant born to appose Posioden. Now, I do not know all the details my self, but annabeth saw every thing and will tell us what happened. Annabeth?" I stood up and faced the campers but before I could say anything Clarisse stood up, fist in the air. "Are you meaning to tell us that annabeth saw the whole thing but didn't stop it!" I started to see red. She doesn't even like percy but she's yelling at me for letting him get taken away! Anger boiled in my stomach like hot water. I didn't realize I was shaking until Chiron put a hand on my shoulder. "Clarisse, don't say that! You know annabeth couldn't do anything. you can't kill a giant without a gods help. Now, I am issuing a quest to find percy. Annabeth, Jason, piper, leo, frank, hazel, and nico shall go find him." I was relieved when I heard my name. I just had to find him. "Go get packed up." Chiron said. "You will go on the Argo ll and you WILL bring percy back safe and sound." As soon as he said this I ran to my cabin to pack then I ran to the ship were every one was waiting for me. Piper must of seen how distressed I was because she walked over and patted me on the back. "Don't worry annabeth. we'll find. and we will bring him back." I really hoped she was right.

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