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choose a crust:

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choose a crust:

☑︎ thin crust

☐ stuffed crust

☐ regular

choose a sauce:

☐ pesto

☑︎ tomato

choose pizza toppings:

☐ veggie mix

olives, peppers, tomatos, mushrooms, spinach

☐ meat combo

chicken chunks, ham, salami, pepperoni

☑︎ bit of both

veggie mix + ham, pepperoni

special requests:

send your cutest delivery boy

Your order has been sent. Delivery time: Est. 30 minutes

Thank you for ordering!


"yes, mom. fine! i'll get groceries tomorrow. okay. love you," i sighed, hanging up the call. i was slumped on the sofa, in front of the television, with a bowl of nachos sitting in my lap. the house was all dark, the only light source coming from the television screen, and the street lamps outside. other than that, the house was as dark as the night sky outside.

i was waiting for my pizza to arrive - then my ideal friday night in would be complete. the house was empty, except for me. my family had left me alone to go stay with my aunt for a week - while i was stuck here, because i had to take care of the dog. i wasn't complaining, though. i did appreciate the peace, because normally the house would be filled with my sister's annoying voice and stupid complains, and my parents' nagging. but i did get lonely - although it was only the second day.

my mom called every morning, and night, to make sure i was okay. she had just called to make sure i was eating proper dinner - she flipped when i told her i was eating pizza, again. this time, she made me promise to cook a proper meal tomorrow, so i had to get groceries.

the show was getting boring - i flicked through the channels on television but found nothing that was remotely interesting. i switched the television off, and turned on the lights in the living room, and just started using my phone.

my stomach grumbled - where was my pizza? i'm sure it's been 30 minutes already. just then, the doorbell rang. just in time.

i shuffled over to open the door, putting my hair up into a messy bun on my way.

i picked up the money that i had placed on the table near the door (for convenience) so that i could pay the delivery guy.

i swung the door open.

"here's your pizza," said the delivery boy, glancing up at me, expecting the change.

oh my gosh. beneath the cap was a cute guy - dreamy eyes, a button nose, and plush lips. they really did send the cutest delivery guy.

"um, miss? you haven't paid me."

"oh, right." i snapped out of my thoughts and adjusted my glasses. then i handed him the money.

"goodnight," he said, turning around, making his way back to the delivery motorcycle.

he's leaving - oh no, what do i do? i can't let this chance slip through my fingers.

"wait!" i blurted. what am i doing? why did i say that? he turned around, raising an eyebrow. "what's your name?"

i thought i saw the corners of his lips twitch up into a smirk.

"jimin," he called. "it's park jimin."


how was this chapter?

and also guys this is fiction and imagination so idk if it works in real life!!! and even still be careful guys because sTRANGER DANGER 😖 okay I'll go now HAGAHAHA

and also guys this is fiction and imagination so idk if it works in real life!!! and even still be careful guys because sTRANGER DANGER 😖 okay I'll go now HAGAHAHA

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pizza guy | p. jimin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now