Chapter 1 - Leo

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I had never thought about who my soul mate was...

I'm Katie, I'm 15 and I'm in highschool; the typical place for relationships and break-up's. Unlike the other girls in my class, I have never had a boyfriend. So the term of a soul mate doesn't really bother me. I have a group of friends, there's 6 of us all together including me. First there's Amberlynn, Amber for short. She had gorgeous brown hair, it was always slightly curled and had blonde streaks in every other strand. She always done her make-up the same everytime I saw her, and she always done it with such precision like it was vital to look like a super model. Her body was the perfect shape and her breasts were the biggest out of all of ours. Next was Rose she had short straight black hair with a block fringe. She wore quite heavy eyeliner around her eyes and sometimes when she wanted to stand out, she would wear warpaint on her face. Then there was Lilly and Kate, the twins. They looked exactly the same and done everything together. Most of the time i couldn't tell the difference between the two. They both had long bleach blonde hair and hardly wore make-up. Their hair was the same length and exactly the same tone. They were both very beautiful. After that there's Maddy, she had medium length light brown hair. She was usually caked in make-up, which doesn't make her look good usually. Under all them layers of make-up she's very pretty, i don't know why she doesn't show it. Then finally there was me, black/blue long hair. Cat eyes eyeliner and bright pink lip gloss. I almost always back-combed my hair to make it stand out.

At school we all stuck together. Until a new boy arrived into the school. He came into my Chemistry class and was told to sit next to me and work with me on an experiment this lesson. His name was Leo, he had short brown hair and his face was divine. Every part of his face was attractive; his eyes, his nose, his lips, his smile. Absolutely everything! Me and Leo got on really well during Chemistry and he ended up giving me his number. I felt so lucky.

I never had a full-on crush on a guy before, but with Leo everything enticed me in. His voice was deep and gentle. I felt so safe standing next to him, so when he had to leave me i started to get scared.

After school that day i texted him.

'Hey cutie pie ;)' it read.

Five minutes later i get a text back saying 'Hello gorgeous, you free to come out?xx'

"Wait, this kinda sounds like he's asking me out" i thought...

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