Chapter 2 - Freaked

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I sat there mindlessly for at least 5 minutes until i got a text saying 'hello? babe do you want to meet oiooor not?' I quickly shook my head and quickly texted back saying yes and for him to meet me at the town hall in ten minutes. I quickly fixed my hair and put some sweet selling perfume on and made sure my make-up was perfect. Then i left and sprinted to the town hall and i just made it in time. As I got there I bumped into Leo.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I said, almost freaking out at the touch of his body on mine.

"Dont worry about it" he chuckled

At that moment he held me and kissed me. I felt his body pressed against mine as our bodies interlocked. There and then he had me. He stopped kissing me but still had his hands on my hips. I looked up at him hoping for more, but it was obvious that i wouldnt be able to get more out of him until later. He held my hand and asked me id like to go to his, i agreed and walked beside him.

As we started approaching his house i noticed how beautiful it looked. 'Wow everything about him is wonderful' I thought. We entered his house and he dragged me straight up to his room.

"I know we haven't talked much, but I know you have an attraction to me and i know you can't help that. Are you gonna be dangourous and stay or play safe and leave?" he asked in a deep serious voice.

"D..Dangerous.." I muttered.

As soon as that word came out, Leo pinned me down on his bed. "Still wanna play dangerous?" he said in a rather high voice. I nodded and he kissed me again this time he started grinding into me making me really weak. He slowly bit my neck and he bit so hard. I felt like screaming but i just bit my lipto satisfy him, until he bit harder. Then not a scream bit a moan came through me. Every time he bit harder i moaned louder, i felt pain but by the sounds i was giving out my mind thought i was in pleasure. I dont know what he had done but i was in some kind of trance. He stopped biting me and got down on one knee.

"You are now betroved to me. No other man may be allowed to touch you. You belong to me now." he. He placed a ring on my finger. "You now have to live here as nobody will be able to see you during your changing process. You may lash out at anyone and kill them without knowinng. Our wedding is in 4 weeks" he handed me a booklet "choose your dress out of these" i flicked through the booklet to notice that all of the dresses were black. "after this week you will officially be a vampire" That word hit me like a brick. 'Leo is a vampire' i thought to myself. "indeed i am. You're not worried are you. I mean by the end of this week you will be too."

I didn't know what to say...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2012 ⏰

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