part 1

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I looked at my mother, my gut having the feeling of being crushed. 

"I don't want this stupid corset!" I yelled, clearly mad. My blue eyes having a glint of red. My
red hair touching the back of my knees, the hair I was supposed to put up an hour ago. 

"can you be a proper female for once?!" Chi, my mother yelled back. her eyes staying blue. her blond hair in a perfect bun. 

"I'll show you the proper way to beat your as-" I yelled, being cut off by her mother. 

"CECILE!" My mother looked beyond mad now "proper English!" 

"Listen, mom, I don't Care if you want me to be proper, it to be a perfect little Barbie doll, I'm not" I stated, looking her mother dead in the eyes.

Chi rolled her eyes. "Listen, I love you just the wa-" I cut her off

"I'm leaving tonight"

My mothers' eyes went wide

"what do you mean? your wedding is tomorrow!" she yelled, her blue eyes having a glint I've never seen before. 

"I mean what I said, goodbye" I stated, getting annoyed at how sweet her voice sounded, not belonging with the anger her face held. 

"fine! abandon your people!" she said, trying to get me to feel bad.

"You don't even refer to them as people!" I yelled, "You refer to them as monsters because they are not human!" I kept yelling, solid black ice formed around my fingers. my mothers' eyes quickly looked at them. 

"Cecile, calm down please,"  she told me. the ice melted. the only thing I could hear was three things my heartbeat waterdrops on the floor and my heavy breaths. 

I walked outside when I heard 

"GET A ROOM ALREADY!" a boy yelled, to get another shout back "MAYBE I WILL" and this was followed by a female voice "BOYS! SHUT UP!" 

 Then I saw three people just walking in the woods like it was a normal everyday thing to be in them. 

The first boy had black hair and bright blue eyes, all of his clothes matched the darkness of his hair. The second one was blond and had brown eyes, he wore a scarf and baggy jeans with a bright shirt. the girl has long faded hair from blue, purple to a light pink. 

she looked at me "huh?" 

I looked at her, then they came to me. 

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