Sirius Black, you man whore

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"Merlins beard Sirius. Do you ever stop flirting with people?!" I say exasperatedly. 

"Hmm let me think." He pauses for effect before shouting out no. "Now, as I was saying Miss Hail. Your eyes... just beautiful. Your hair, the most stunning shades of brown. And your as-" He get's interupted by my best friend Lily.

"Alright Black, that's enough." She laughs, punching him on the shoulder lightly.

"Aww but I was just beginning to have fun with pretty little Cynthia here." He smirks at me and runs his hair through his hands.

I roll my eyes and sit on the common room couch. Lily plops down next to me and I lay down on her lap, allowing her to play with my hair. "You see Cynthia, that could be us but you don't accept my flirting." Sirius says sitting on the chair by me.

"Because you flirt with everyone! Not just me. If it was just me then i'd accept it more." I say, rolling my eyes again.

~~~~~Time skip two weeks~~~~~

"Hey... Have you noticed something off about Sirius?" Lily asks me as we walk back from the quidditch game. We won, and everyone would be celebrating when the team got back.

"Umm no? Not really. Maybe that he's been a little less annoying than usual?" I say, shifting my hat.

"Cynthia. He's only been flirting with you. No one else..." She smiles broadly at me. "I see him in all my classes, and never once has he flirted with anyone other than you in them. And i ran into him at the library the other day and he wasn't even with any girls. He was honestly there for a book!"

"Huh.. Weird." I shrug my shoulders and we finally make it to our common room.

There is already quite the party going on. I notice James and Sirius standing on top of a table, chugging some sort of drink. I laugh and sit down on one of the couches. Lily walks up to our room and I think about following her before someone steps in front of me. 

"E-Excuse me." I try to shove past the person but they're firmly planted.

"Hiya doll. Fancy a kiss?" Sirius says leaning into me. 

My eyes widen, but allow him to kiss me. It tastes like whiskey, but I don't mind. I kiss him back and run my hands through his hair as he pulls me closer by the waist.

I pull away and sigh. That was amazing. I give him a quick peck and walk up the stairs to my room, swaying my hips as I walk away.


426 words in total. Nothing really to say here. Hope you guys have a good day!

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