Chapter 24

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Ugh! Now he was dragging me by the wrist as I was trying to break free. We were outside where no one could see us but, I'm married. I shouldn't have these feelings.

"River stop dragging me!" I screech but he just scoffs and continues to drag me along.

He practically took me away from talking to the queen of Ireland just so I could talk to him. ITS TALKING! He did have to drag me. And EVERYONE did stare. It was quite embarrassing for me.

"Ems..." He says breathlessly when finally he sets me down on a garden bench sitting next to me. What is he going to do? What am I GOING to do?!

"I, I don't know what to say Ems..." He says breathlessly as he looks down at the ground. The ground was light dirt. It was pretty though because there were crystals here and there. It glimmered in the light.

I breath heavily and then say, "Then don't say anything!" I quickly stand up but he swiftly grabs my wrist once again making me sit down next to me. I scoff as I fold my arms and look to the side. Pouting.

"Ems..." He says slowly grabbing my chin making me look at his big blue eyes. They turned a darker shade of blue. He was sad.


"River, if I let you kiss me..." I say lingering at the kiss part. "Can we go our separate ways..." I say breathlessly. This really shot through my chest. It hurt. But, I'm married now. I need to give Victor a try. He deserves it.

"Alright." He mutters in a low sexy tone making me bite my lip in curiosity. It may have been two days but I still want to kiss him. I still want his big muscular arms wrapped around me. I want to see those blue eyes pierce through me, making me shiver. I want him.

He slowly leans in grabbing my cheeks. I could feel a tear stream down my cheek but quickly River wiped it away. He kisses me lightly making me smile in the kiss. I just have a feeling that this is the last kiss I will get from him. As we kiss he deepens the kiss by landing me against the bench making me want more. But, I knew this couldn't happen. He fingers with mess with my hair while I had my hands against his neck making him groan in pleasure. I'm going to miss him. I'm going to miss this. I will miss this kind of kiss. Forever. I love this man. So much. He continues to kiss me. I open my mouth to letting him entrance in my mouth. He bit my lip making me moan. This may not be the last time I see him but, this will be the last kiss. The last time we share our love.

++River's P.O.V.++

"Actually, I was wondering if I may speak to you. Outside possibly?" I say standing my ground. Ems looked shocked but she knew something like this would happen. I love this women. And I just truly want her. And only her.

"I'm sorry River but, I'm talking to the queen of Ireland." She says with sass in her tone. Man, STOP TURNING ME ON!

"Well... its very urgent." That's when the queen of Ireland looked at Emmer with a smile and walked away. Obviously Ems had to smile back in response. It was the responsible thing to do.

Once the queen of Ireland left That's when I grabbed Ems by the wrist dragging her out of the room. At first she kept back away trying to squeeze out of my grip but, I just tightened the grip.


I finally set Ems down on the bench in the garden. It is a stunning garden. But, the one in Greece has a ocean view. Nothing can beat that.

"Ems..." I say breathlessly. I missed her presence. I missed her vanilla perfume that she would put on daily. I remember one time when I was really horny and she wasn't in the mood for any sexual contact she yelled 'Fuck off!' And sprayed her vanilla perfume directly in my face. I love that perfume.

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