My Shakles

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Diana POV

"Now, Do not forget that your father is bringing very important clients over from the firm, make sure to be on the upmost  behavoir or else you know the consequences... do I need to repeat myself?"

"Of course not mother, I will comply and make sure everything is all set for tonight's guest.."

"please make sure and dress approriately... we wouldn't want to repeat last year mistake and cost your father more hospital bills no do we?" 

"of course not...."

""Oh, Diana.... do not forget to cover your neck sweet heart, as well as the side of your cheek.. you always miss it. We wouldn't want more bruises covering your lovely milky skin now would we.."

"of course"

Hey, sorry to get right into my life like this but there is no better time since you will eventually learn all about myself and my life, what is the point in delaying the enivitable right? Well As you can see my mother is anything but what she appears. Only the tip of the ice berg was seen.  As for myself well... would it be  unoriginal to say I am your classic denzel in distress, haha sad right but most people in the situation wouldn't know any other way of life. Is that an excuse for myself, maybe. Do I want something better for myself? Of course who wouldn't want a better life but to actually achieve it, isn't that an illusion we all cover ourselves with on a daily basis. 

Here I am already blabbering and judging you guys...what a bitch? your thinking that aren't you..sorry, not use to that many people hearing me, at all most of the time. Well let's do a redo. I am Diana, last name.... will it really matter to know it? No. Affilation, none. Education first and seconary schooling completed, current college student in my sophmore year. Age, 19. 

No need for further information as you read along you will all but time learn the rest of my "family". 

Oh, right! you might be a little lost since you came during a conversation between my mother and I. Well here is some context, Father is partner of a pretty big law firm, name.... Think its best to keep that ananomous for the moment, god forbide my father learns I am giving away information about him...consequences will come for me..and I am just starting to recover from the last amount of punishment.. sorry! Anyways recently he has been gathering new cliental for the firm bringing in some very good profit as well reputation.  Being tradition and all my father always brings over new clients over the house for a meal. To my understanding it is to show a well family orientated person but that's possibly not even true. 

This dinner is very important. I need to be the "perfect daughter" to whatever my "parents" believe that is to be. Well your all caught up... from here on in your just going to be obserivng my life.. if you can't handle it then.. your free to leave. Thanks for at least saying Hi..... 

knock (3x)


"father, what am I to wear tonight for the dinner. Anything in particular you want from me?"

"HAVE YOU NO MIND OF YOUR OWN! something that covers up most of your disgusting figure.... something presentable at least!"

"understood. (whispered)"

"Speak up, do you not have a voice to communicate with other beings? Are you not a human? I still cannot believe Beth didn't get rid of you when we had the chance... as soon as you graduate you are out of here and your own, you pethitic child."

"yes father. I understand."

"good, now leave."

Leaving the office I made my way into my room only to see my mother once again throwing all my clothes on the floor, some of the clothing being ripped up, cut through, or simply destroyed to her own amusement. 


"do not call me that more than once a day you know that!"

"Yes Mrs"

"better... now as I went through your clothes, you do not have anything that will come across as presentable.... what a surprise, haha who am I joking of course you have nothing"

"would you and father prefer if I appear to be one of the maids as I was last year? the Uniform mostly convered my body and I was barely in the room at all with you and the rest of the family. i would just come to serve the food and drinks. Would that be better? (lowered voice)"

"Yes, it seems to be the perfect idea, so you do have something of a brain."

Without another word, stepping all over the  mess she created she left closing the door as she left me to once again pick up the pieces of what is left of my self-esteem, soul. As I was picking up the clothes my phone began to buzz..... she always knows. 

SUE: Hey so what happened, are you okay do you want me over?! 

ME: No need. I am fine, same as always. Clients are coming over. 

SUE: Then come over my house, you are not going to be there little entertainmment anymore! You are a college student! you are not there slave! 

ME: I know sue. It will be alright. I promise nothing will happen this time.

SUE: You say that and I do not believe you! 

ME:Trust me please. <3

SUE: Fine, but if anything happens I will be there and kill them! 

ME: okay. I need to go get things ready for the dinner late tonight, Love you sue. 

SUE: Love you to Di, please text me later! I will strangle you if you don't <3. 

Haha, sue. My best friend since elementary school until know. You can bascially say we are sisters. She is the only friend, ally that I have in this world. The only one who knows the secret of my family.... My family... is not an ordinary family. You see, my father is a laywer yes but not any lawyer. He is one of the laywers for one of the major Mafia Families. You can say I'm part of the mafia but more like a worker waiting for that new assignment. 

Early in my youth, not too long ago do I have these vague memories of men with guns and this hard exterior. Guns everywhere even the women with the hard exterior. 

After finishing up my bedroom, I made my way to the kitchen with the other workers. They all gave me that sad smile. They were my fmaily more so than my "real" family. Helped me be who I am in this life, with as much love as I can get. Getting any love at all. As I made my way to help set up the dining room I noticed my mother and father interacting with these two tall looking gentlemen. They had this aura of bloodthrist and gloom, death itself. 

One of the men seemed to be the one incharge from the manner he was standing and conversing while the other just stood in place by his side. The looked well groomed, obviously not your typical man. 2 guns on either side of them , but the one conversing seemed to grab my attention. More so than I would like, it felt like gravity and a sense of "home" is that a little weird? Somehow a sense of familiarity was there. His presence almost gave me my loss of concience like a second nature took over myself I walked towards this man... looking into his solver eyes, mesmorized. It was unitl I dropped a plate that I realized I was halfway to where he stood. Soon enough all eyes were on me.. but the only ones I saw where those silver ones, whose warmth would protect me... protect me? Do I know this man from some place? 

Unknown pov 

Conversing with this family always gave me a sense of nostalga and anger, she was here... somewhere, my little flower, who I lost. I know she is here somewhere for the last ten years I had to find her and bring her to my side, where she belongs. My mind always manages to go back to my last memory of my flower, before I left, before the accident.... the last time I saw her. My reason for being, my oxygen, my purpose... my flower. 

Soon I was knocked out of my thoughts with a sound of a broken plate, I look up to see this breathe-taking girl look at me with such emotion.. and before I knew it, my heart yerned to run to this girl, hold her, kiss her lips.. this warm sensation that I have not felt for some time... This.. what is this..... i've felt this before... who is she? 

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