My Flower

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Jacob POV

"Boss, its time to headover to the White's for the business dinner"

"Get the car ready"

"yes sir"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....... please! I beg of you, I do not know anything.. please, I have a fam-."

"what a family, really? please you know better than to lie to me. you are stupid you know, but i must commend you. You are one of the few that tried to steal information from us in my own fucking home. you have some ball-s, wait no you don't. HAHA..... loved your bowie knife it's clip point perfectly sharpened as I neatly cut off your balls. did you feel it?"


This is pointless, why do they not fucking learn?! They cannot upperhand me, I am Jacob Black, one of the leader's of the 2nd biggest Mafia Family in the states and UK.  Its the same old story, rivals hiring cheap labor, traitors that want to make  a name for themselves by trying to take me down, kill me, threaten me with some power they have over me. All for what? There death day? Idiots, its more than just the black market, gun indorsements, faulty companies, women ring for prostitution, concrete companies. It's the ability to run all that smoothly and still having time to be with your family, In the end its just a job,  food money and everything else for  them...... family. Would have had mine with her. My fucking flower, my light in this dark empty whole of a life. She was my ray of sunlight that kept my head out from the abise. Her laughter, her smile. Those green emerald eyes that saw through my soul, she was the only one who saw me for who I stood. I would have carved my heart out if she wanted to just to see me to do it for her enjoyment. 

I will find her. Last known appearence at the White's home, where she lived before the accident. Before I changed to be who I am known as today simply one word "Nightmare". 

"Listen, your no longer any entertainment for me, so lets cut the chase. your soon to drift away, Nothing is left, no balls, no dick, no arm, broken leg, shattered rib cage, black eyes, shot up arm, skinned legs, there is nothing left."

"So, before I leave this room- scratch that. Before I use my final favorite toy, machete and close the curtain on this pointless 6 hour fun, know this, no one- no one crosses Jacob Black- steals- betrays and sees a living day."


 my  gorgoues black leather handled, 10 by 28 inches machete, cleanly cut through the base of the mouth all the way through as the top half of the skull slide off his torso. 

What a pointless day that was. Oh well... off to this dinner. The same routine every single month. An update that everyone is following the rules, no one had broken any, all businesses in top shape, no interference with the police, less headache for me. 

Arriving at the whites always left a distaste in my mouth the last time I saw my flower was here. The memories of her as she would come down to greet me with her eyes.. jumping in my arms squeezing the life out of me for every time I was late. Walking past these gates knowing that I might never see her again, I will find you flower, you are mine! 

As on cue, the dolls walk in the room, with the smiles all plastered on there faces without the error of emotion. 

"Mr. Black welcome back once again."

"Mr. White, I assume all is well, no changes, no law suits"

"everything is in order, no disturbances... I present my wife lilly, you've met before"

"Pleasure,.... Mr. Black handsome as ever. Please come this way dinner is being set"

"After you"

Mr. Nightmare became my LightWhere stories live. Discover now