Chapter 16

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Nathan and James couldn't stay in her room forever, it would seem to weird for Alison and it would become hard for her to lie to her parents and they didn't want to risk getting her into trouble.
But they didn't have to. She had managed to do that all by herself.
She had overlooked dinner one night and her mother accused her of trying to poison them. Her father had gotten the belt out.
There was no escaping the lash of the belt and it seemed to continue forever. By the time it stopped he back was bloody and tears were streaming down her face. It didn't stop there. He kicked her repeatedly in the stomach, yelling at her the whole time.
She wasn't really bothered by the words, she was used to it, even to the abuse. No, she was bothered about the fact that her own parents would treat her this way. Weren't parents supposed to love you more than anything?
They left her on the floor and went out for dinner. She tried to push herself up but ended up collapsing back onto the floor.
She didn't have anyone to call for. Besides she didn't want anyone finding out.
She waited a little and tried again, finally succeeding. She felt her ankle jolt out a bolt of pain in protest.
I guess in the struggle I must have hit it. She struggled to clean the place up. And without even bothering to wash up, collapses onto her bed.
She woke up to the morning light shining through her curtains. She took a sponge bath and almost killed herself stepping out of the tub which didn't help her ankle at all. She wrapped her body in a towel and examined the large purple bruise forming. Well crap!
She dried her hair and dressed for school. Without so much as a goodbye to her parents she slipped out the door. Thanks to James previous announcement, she didn't have to worry about crazy fans at her door step.
She was halfway through her walk to school when a car slowed down meeting her stride on the side walk. She debated weather or not to turn and run until she heard a familiar voice.
It was James and... Nathan?
"Care for a ride?" Questioned James.
"I-" hesitated.
"Come on raindrop. Don't be scared."
"I wasn't." I carefully got in the car.
He took off at an alarming speed and I grabbed the seat to keep me up right.
"How was your night?" James asked.
I met his eyes in the review mirror and quickly glanced away. "Good. And yours."
"Boring thanks for asking." Nathan cut in.
"I think the lady was asking me that question."
"Well you should have answered. I swear I saw James on the verge of a laugh.
The ride there followed the same way. Finally we arrived, and I got out of the car thanking James for the ride, I had only just now realized it wasn't the limo for once. "New car?"
"Just noticed, I'm hurt." He said. He locked the car and said, "Let's go get our new schedules."
I waited in line for mine. We were divided into last name categories. I got mine and headed to the library before school to read over it. Sending Lena a quick text to meet me here and compare schedules.
It didn't take long and James and Nathan were with her. "Found these two wondering the halls like lost puppies."
I laughed. "Finally, let's compare schedules."
We sat our schedules around a table and viewed them. "Same first, second, third... and FOURTH!!! "We have the same classes!" Lena exclaimed.
I was wary but also excited. I had kissed both these guys and my best friend shipped me with both and I'd be stuck with them for the whole second half of the year... great.
We had a good first few classes but they kept asking if I was okay. I was trying to hide the limp but my ankle was hurting worse than ever and my back burned like crazy, this annoying backpack wasn't helping the case.
In third block, I left to use the restroom. Even though it was the first day I could already tell this was the kind of teacher that would mark you present even if you were absent.
When I got there I wiped off the mask I'd been hiding behind all day. I sat against the wall. I slid my shoe off, letting my ankle breathe. Next was my back. I got a damp paper towel and tapped my back with it. I couldn't reach all the places without breaking the scars open but I got what I could. I was just finishing up when I heard the door bang open. I turned around and backed up against the wall.
I was shocked when Nathan came around the corner. "Wrong bathroom. Yours is across the hall."
"Let me see it."
"Uh... What?"
"Look I can see it in your face, you weren't walking right this morning. In the backseat you sat forward so not to touch the seat and all day you have held your stomach. Your parents hit you didn't they? When I left last night."
"No! They wouldn't hit me."
He began to walk closer and closer until he was caving me against the wall and slowly he kneeled down and patted his knee cap. I sighed and sat my foot on his knee. He examined the ankle and sighed. "This is bad, looks like it's gotten worse than it ever was to began with. Turn around, let me look at your back." He stood and did a spinning motion with his hand.
I stood there. Since I wasn't stuck against the wall I had a pretty good chance to escape. I went for it. I grabbed my purse and ran towards the door only to have my stupid ankle protest. I swear nothing agrees with me not even myself.
He helped me up and spun me around. He rested his hands on my hips and waited for my consent. I nodded finally giving up. Slowly he lifted my shirt. I held it so it didn't come up too much in the front, still covering me. He traced his fingers over the scars. "You can't stay there."
He looked into the mirror and saw the bruises on my stomach. "Never again."
"You can't decide that for me!"
"I'll decide what ever I want to and if it means keeping you safe I'll do just that!"
"What do you even care what happens to me?!"
"Because I'm just like you.." with that he backs me up against the wall. I feel the sting of the scars hitting the brick but I don't feel it as much. His mouth crashes against mine, his tongue sliding into my mouth. His hands wrapped around my waist. I trailed my hands up his chest, around his neck, and into his hair. A groan escaped his mouth.
     Before things could go any further a girl burst in. Seeing a boy in the bathroom she squealed and ran out. I broke the kiss. I took in some heavy breaths as I stared at his eyes our breaths mixing in the few inches of air between us. "We can't do this. I need to get back to class. You should come back five minutes later, okay?"
     I didn't wait for his reply. Being that close to him was like a drug. I grabbed my bag and left. Hightailing it down the hallway.
     What did he mean. He was just like me?

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