╟ TaeJoon ╳ ❝toyol❞

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Genre: Horror
Warnings: Demons and Kidnapping
Words: 1,569

JINGLEJOON thanks for helping me with this plot, even if it's been a month since you gave it to me.

It was cold. So cold. And dark, especially dark. The darkness felt rather forced, as if someone put a blindfold over his eyes instead of it being the gentle downfall of the sun being overtaken by the serene glow of the moon. Namjoon rather missed the moon in that particular night and had gone out to hike in look for it, only to be disappointed when he'd learned that there was no visible moon that night. He had decided to stay and hike for a longer while and at least enjoy the silence that the day didn't provide for him. He kept walking up the hill behind his work building for a few minutes before he caught sight of another building. Metal signs with yellow paint stood out from the blue background and his attention was immediately drawn to the black letters that clearly spelt 'Warning: Kim Taehyung Keep Out.' Namjoon's curiosity peaked and he found himself trying to look into the building through the moss covered windows, which he quickly learned was impossible. Choosing to ignore the warning, he kept walking, circling the building from outside of the metal fence covering it, finding several signs that looked the same as the same one from earlier. He ignored them again and chose to focus on how the fence was lined with thousands and thousands of needles secured to the metal with small plates screwed into the fence instead of the regular barbed wire on top of all the metal fences he'd ever seen. He felt a sudden gust of wind knock him into the fence with a strange force that he felt was almost unnatural. He grabbed onto the fence, making the weakened metal bend downwards creating bigger holed than there were before. He looked up to the sky with a remorseful expression while stood up again and shook the dirt off his clothes, choosing to forget about the minor accident he just experienced in favor of walking for a while longer.

His attention was suddenly drawn away from the curious security installments to the top of the building when he caught sight of where several small statues with a faint greenish hue were placed as pieces of decorations. Namjoon was surprised to see the weirdly small statues planted there, as he figured that they couldn't be gargoyles, as they were usually a bit, maybe a lot, bigger than the size of the statues on the strange building's rooftop. They seemed to be in motion position where they looked almost alive, they were scattered around the roof instead of being looming figures that stared down at the ground from the border. Namjoon hummed and turned around, starting to feel tired and bored from the absence of the moon, his initial motivation for the small trip up the hill. He carefully walked down the hill, trying his best to avoid any possible sliding hazards, turning his head around for a last look at the yellow sign, trying to remember the name written on it, before continuing his trip down and into his car.

When he reached his house, Namjoon was half asleep, his glasses askew on his face before he set them down carefully on his bedside table as he sat down on his bed, dragging his hands down his face in an attempt to wake himself up. He quickly disregarded his clothes around the room and turned in the shower, brushing his teeth while he waited for the water to heat up. When he spat the last mouthful of water into the sink, Namjoon turned around and stepped into the scaldingly hot water, not minding the slight burning sensation he felt as he scrubbed his back and massaged shampoo in his head. He looked down to his hands, marveling at the green tint that reminded him of the statues of the building. Namjoon chose to ignore the similarity and blame it on the plants weaved through the fence that must've stained his hands.

An hour later, Namjoon was safely in his bed, snuggled comfortably into the blankets because of the cold air that was filtered by his air conditioner. He had taken it up to himself to search the apparently dangerous individual of Kim Taehyung before he'd gone to sleep as a second thought. He saw a brief flash of a Wikipedia page titled 'Kim Taehyung: the Folklore' before his screen glitched and he was left with grey words that said 'Nothing.' He tried refreshing the page, but the same rejection message kept appearing. He did it eight times before going to sleep, giving into the defeat that there was simply nothing there and that the brief Wikipedia page was just his mind playing tricks on him.

He didn't noticed how his room became dusted in green as small and goblin-liked statues stacked up outside his window, blocking out the artificial light from the lampposts. He didn't noticed their unnaturally large heads, the big red eyes and the sharp teeth that formed rows inside their mouths. He didn't noticed the distinct resemblance the monstrous figure had with the statues on top of the building he had visited earlier in the night. He didn't noticed the tall figure standing passively behind them, standing out for the strangely human features that one had. The only similarity it had to the goblins was the weirdly colored skin, although it was gray instead of green. Namjoon didn't notice any of that or would register the events about to happen very shortly; it was better for them if he didn't.

Namjoon went to rub his sore neck when he woke up, only to be startled awake the rest of the way by the rope burn that his wrist felt. He looked down in alarm to find that his wrists were, indeed, tied together with rough rope and he absentmindedly reprimanded whoever tied them together for not having compassion and boiling the rope to make it less painful on his end. Namjoon went to scream but soon realized that there was a black cloth covering his mouth and nose in a dangerously tight fit that made it hard to breathe through the dark layers of cotton. Quickly scanning his surrounding, Namjoon deducted that he was in some kind of alleyway, the buildings besides it casting shadows over it that made it quite dark, even if he could tell that it was sometime during the day. Trashing around in his restraints, he tried to make as much noise as he could to try and alert someone that he was about to get kidnapped and he could do nothing about it. A pair of hand gripped his shoulders in a clear demand for him to settle down and to stop moving so much. Namjoon stilled instantly when he felt the cold and strangely moist hands on his, he now realized, bare shoulders.

"Don't make a fuss, homosapien-sapien. My friends here are quite hungry, as they've been summoned a long time ago and haven't fed since then; I'm sure you wouldn't want to be their meal, now would you?"

Just as the man had mentioned his 'friends', small, child-like creatures crawled into his sight and made him effectively scared. Too big heads were the most noticeable feature on their bodies, though it was quickly overpowered by the moss green skin tone that spread through their entire body. He noticed the similarity of them to the statues on top of the building he'd seen the night before. He tried nodding ti show that, yes, he would go along with the thing's commands, but he found himself paralyzed with fear at the horrific sight before him. He almost didn't want to see hoe the individual behind him looked, but his curiosity was killing him.

Just as he was about to turn his head to look at the thing behind him, the material covering his nose was pulled down and quickly replace with another white material. Namjoon's eyes widened at the rapid change and he sucked in a gulf of air to try and ease his nerves, quickly realizing his mistake when the sweet smell of chloroform overtook his senses and made him fall into unconsciousness. The toyols surrounding him 'smiled' with their sharp teeth towards the tall figure behind the knocked out Namjoon, the unspoken question making Taehyung shake his head in rejection to their request. Their smiles downturned into frowns before they saw their leader pointing behind him to a naked woman that was also irresponsive, only shaking a little from the cold. The toyol's grins widened and they looked at their leader for reassurance one last time before slowly crawling towards the poor woman that was about to unconsciously experience the worst pain she would ever experience in her life.

Tarhyung turned away from the scene once blood started spilling and looked down at the human leaning against his feet. He had to thank him later, for the toyols work was way easier when they could get out of that horrible prison. He wasn't as scared of needles as they were, but he was a loyal leader and wouldn't leave them alone, knowing that they'd kill each other in desperation. Taehyung sighed with a toothy grin and gently laid Namjoon down on the ground, turning around again to make sure his friends didn't actually kill the lady; they'd need her for a few more days.

a/n: toyol stuff is crazy you don't even know. Btw, selfpromo, i have a new book out so go and support if you want

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