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i immediately try to continue surveying the restaurant, trying to act casual. but my heart is beating out of my chest and my cheeks are probably red as roses.

i whip out my phone, still seeing that mom and grace were still chatting. i open up instagram and press me and sophia's conversation.

dude where are you rn

i'm at a diner why

oh my god

dude what is going on?????

i looked up quickly and saw a redhead sitting across from jaeden, sitting next to a guy with super curly hair.

jaeden smacked the redheads arm and the redhead proceeded to screech, causing many people to look up from their food.

that couldn't not be her.

this sounds really creepy but

look behind you

the redhead turns around and her eyes widen to large proportions. sophia screamed quietly, a smile stretched across her face. she looked like she might've been having a stroke.

i rip the earbuds out of my ears and stuff them into my pocket. i tap my mom on the shoulder quickly.

"mom," i say in a hushed whisper, "remember sophia?"

"yes your actress friend, why?" she says, looking like a confused puppy.

"well she's here right now. she's at the diner," i say, my heart beating even faster than before.

"go join her! she's your best friend!!" my mom smiles. "don't worry about me. i'll be at the counter!"

i turn my head towards sophia's table, and i noticed that she had left.

and in a split second, she was right in front of me.

"LILI!" sophia exclaims. she then hugs me tightly, and i return the hug, just as tight. "oh my god you're here you're real!"

"holy shit." i say, smiling. "what are the chances,"

"very rare chances," sophia giggles. "come to my table! i'm sure the guys won't mind."

she takes my hand and leads me to her table, smiling still. i could feel my pulse in my head, i was so excited.

"scooch over noodle head!" sophia barks at the curly haired guy that she had sat next to previously.

he grumbles, but reluctantly slides across the booth. sophia slides in next, still smiling like she had won the lottery.

i sit down next to her, across from jaeden. they hadn't ordered, but they had drinks. sophia ended up waving grace over.

"hey liliana! how's it going?" grace asks. she's still smiling perkily. i wonder if it's just for her work or if she's actually like that all the time.

"good! good. yeah." i stammer and fidget with my hands. "could i get a vanilla milkshake?"

"sure thing! i'll be right back." she flashes the table another smile and walks away.

"hey, i got the same thing," jaeden says, smiling softly.

"cheers to you, dude." i say and smirk. he was super soft. so soft.

"lili! okay, this is wyatt," sophia says and points to the 'noodle head'. "that's jaeden, as you know,"

jaeden quirks an eyebrow, looking curiously at me. my cheeks flush red.

"and that's finn," she points to the dark curly haired boy beside jaeden.

"sup," finn says, smirking.

i raise my hand in greetings and smile.

i'm rarely actually able to make friends. i had a lot of friends back in ottawa, but they usually introduced me to a whole bunch of people. i really miss them sometimes.

"so, lili, tell us about yourself," wyatt says, putting on a reporter like facade, interlocking his fingers together and speaking in a british accent.

"um, hi i'm lili, i'm 14 and i like macaroni and cheese," i say, fake shyly.

"oh my god same we have so much in common!" finn says in a girly voice, giggling.

"did that voice just come right out of you?" sophia says, laughing.

"i guess it did," he chuckles and rolls up his sleeves.

the whole table starts laughing and i kind of feel like i'm fitting in with them. it was nice to be with a group of people around my age.

before i knew it, my shake had come and everybody was chatting and laughing loudly. it drowned out the sound of the other people in the restaurant, and it felt good.

jaeden had mostly kept quiet, but he still spoke up occasionally, and laughed often.

"lili!" sophia hit me on the arm. i had zoned out, resting my head on my crossed arms and stared at jaeden's milkshake.

"mmmmmhhh," i moan. "i'm tired,"

my legs were falling asleep and so was i. i was finally happy. i blinked slowly and raised my head.

"we're going back to my place. if you wanna come, you can," jaeden says, almost whispering. throughout the afternoon, i'd noticed that he mostly stays quiet and talks softly.

i thought about it for a second. was i really up to it?

"i d-don't think i'll be able to," i stutter out, almost as quiet as jaeden. i look up at him and his face had an expression of confusion and a hint of disappointment. "i might be able to another day. i'm really tired,"

"i understand," jaeden whispers.

i think this is going too fast ?????? also im so sorry for lack of updates but i was out of it

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