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Mania's pov

Seven months without her. That's all I could think. Seven months without my love. Was she okay? Had she moved on?

"Mania? Are you paying attention?" Zeus asked me as I sat in the house with my parents. I looked up at them.

"Yes, I'm just a little distracted." I said. My mother continued to talk as my father studied me. I finished listening to my mother talk about what was next on her list to keep Olympus in tip top shape.

Eventually I was able to leave. I walked back to my house. Was Rebekah out with Klaus at the grill? Was she smiling?

"Mania." My father called out. I stopped and turned to the sound of his voice. He walked towards me.

"Tell me what's on your mind." He said walking next to me. I sighed.

"You know what's on my mind. I can't stop thinking about her. I wish to see her so badly. I.. I just miss her is all." I said, don't get upset, I said in my mind. My father nodded.

"I can see you're not happy here." He said. I looked down ashamed.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be sorry, you have proven to me that you are a different person then when I sent you down to Earth. So, as a reward, you may go down to Earth and return to Olympus as much as you'd like." He said. My eyes widened and I hugged him immediately.

"Thank you father." I said and quickly went back home and opened the portal from my home.

"I'm coming back Rebekah." I said and I entered the portal.


I appeared back in my home on Earth. The first thing I did was teleport to Rebekah's home. I was about to knock when I stopped nervous. What if she wasn't happy to see me? What if she'd met someone else? I slowly lifted my hand and knocked on the door. Klaus swing open the door and his eyes widened.

"Mania... your back." He said. I nodded smiling.

"Where's Rebekah is she home?" I asked pushing through. I was about to back upstairs when Klaus stopped me.

"Wait Mania you don't want to go up there." Klaus Alda is. I looked at him confused.

"Why is Rebekah okay?" I asked concerned. I ignored his warning and went up stairs and went up to her door that was shut. I put my hand on the handle and just about turned it when I heard a moan. My eyes widened. Then there was another one, that one didn't belong to the same person.

"Oh Artemis..." I heard through the door. That's when I saw red. I kicked the door open and I scared them both. I pulled out my sword. Both of them were naked clearly having sex.

"I will kill you." I said dangerously to Artemis. I had spent seven months away to come back to this. Artemis suddenly had her clothes back on and looked at me frightened.

"M-Mania.. I-I didn't know."

"Didn't know what? Don't give me your excuses Artemis. You know how much I care for this woman. Is this your pay back? Having sex with the woman I love? Now it is your turn to pay." I said lifting my sword I was about to stab her.

"Mania no!" Rebekah's voice stopped me.

"Don't kill her. Just let her go." Rebekah said. I looked back at Rebekah who was barely covered with nothing but a sheet.

"Get out of here before you are dead." I said and in a flash she was gone. I turned back to Rebekah. How could she?

"I waited seven months for you. I came back here for you. I left my home again for you. I did all of these things for you and in return you have sex with the woman who kidnapped you?!" I yelled at her. She looked down ashamed. I couldn't look at her. I felt so betrayed. I just tightened the grip on my sword and left her room before doing something I know I would regret. I stormed down the stairs Klaus sat in the living room and looked up at me sadly. I just slammed the door on my way out.

How could she? I thought she loved me? Was she lying?

"Mania! Wait please let me explain." Rebekah's voice was heard as she sped in front of me. I ignored her and kept walking.

"Mania listen please." She said grabbing my arm. I ripped it away from her.

"Leave me Rebekah before I hurt you." I said.

"I don't care! Do it I deserve it. I made a horrible mistake. I missed you so much, she was the closest thing I could find to you. I regret it I swear it. I love you Mania I really do." She said to me. I just nodded and kept walking.

"Mania say something.." she said following me. I wiped a tear away.

"I left everything for you! For seven months I thought about you every day, every second, I asked myself if you were happy or sad, or if you were moving on. I guess you were. I'm sorry to interrupt." I said to her.

"You think I didn't? Mania I love been searching how to get to you for months. Every day I would go back to those stupid books of yours and tried getting to you. That Persephone woman said I couldn't get back to you because of my stupid vampirism. I tried Mania I did. I still love you." She said as I approached the steps of my house.

"If you loved me you wouldn't have had sex with Artemis." Was all I said and I closed the door leaving Rebekah out there alone.


It had been hours since then. I was still at home watching archer which I had also missed. I don't know if Rebekah was still outside my door. But she had stopped calling to me through the door. I still couldn't believe she did that.

I got off my couch and went to the front door and cracked it open. I looked over and saw Rebekah had fallen asleep on my small bench outside my house.

She stayed...

I kind of felt bad just leaving her out here. Curse my now loving heart. Rebekah almost looked uncomfortable sitting on the bench. I bent down and picked up Rebekah easily and brought her inside. Her arms immediately wrapped around my neck. I brought her over to the couch and set her down. She gently let go of my neck and I put a blanket over her. I turned off my tv and went to my room.

I got under the covers and sighed. I don't know how I will sleep tonight.

Goddess// Rebekah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now