Rock Wars and Killer Clowns

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You felt someone shaking you, but you didn't want to wake from your slumber just yet. You let out a soft groan and turned, pushing the blanket at them and drifting back off. "Fine, you asked for it." The voice said daringly and slithered into the bed with you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer while his head rested on top of yours. Ah, it was Richie.
"5 more minutes." You slurred tiredly, shifting so you could face him. You opened your eyes, but your eyelids felt like they weighed 50 pounds. You hadn't slept well that night, so you only got about an hour of sleep. Richie seemed to understand how tired you were and nodded. At least it was summer. He let you fall back asleep, but he stayed in his spot.
Your eyes soon opened, and you found yourself unable to fall back asleep. "You win." You grumbled, and Richie gave you a dorky smile and a small noise of victory. You pushed yourself up, stretching. Several bones let out a loud pop as you stretched, and you knew you'd regret not sleeping much. "Can we-" A yawn interrupted you, and you covered your mouth. "-get some coffee?" You finished, and he smiled sadly at how tired you were and nodded. "Of course, go get ready, maybe a shower will wake you up."
You did what he told you without hesitation, but it didn't do much. You did feel a bit better though. Once your hair dried, you put it in a messy bun and put on some mascara and lip gloss. You didn't feel like putting on much makeup today. You threw on some black sweatpants and a plain white shirt.

(your outfit, you can change it if you want)Once you were ready, you threw on some simple white converse, and Richie stared once he saw you

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(your outfit, you can change it if you want)
Once you were ready, you threw on some simple white converse, and Richie stared once he saw you. "Huh?" You asked, looking at your outfit. Did you look bad? "Nothing, sorry." He mumbled, then went downstairs. You two snuck past his parents, then down to the coffee shop before going down town. You got a regular to-go coffee and Richie got a soda in a coffee cup. The two of you biked one handed to Beverly's house to meet the rest of the losers. "Hey bitches." Richie smirked, holding his arms up, being careful not to spill his soda. The others greeted each other. "I need to show you guys something." She whispered, fear hinting in her voice. "More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie asked, and Stan glared at him. "Shut up, Richie!"
"Wait. My dad would kill me if he found out I had boys in the apartment." Bill told Richie to stay outside, but you said you'd stay with him. He was quieter then usual, but you left him to his thoughts.
Just as you and Richie finished your drinks and threw out the cups, you all headed to town. You all were talking about Beverly's bathroom and about the blood. However, on the way there, you saw the home school kid's bike. "Hey, isn't that the home schooled kids bike?" Beverly asked, stating your thoughts out loud. "Fuck, that's Bower's car." Eddie whispered angrily, and you came to a horrible realization. "We have to help him!"
You all ran down, seeing Mike being pinned down and kicked by Bowers and his friends, but noticed Patrick wasn't there.
They stopped beating Mike, grinning maniacally as they saw the two girls in the group. "You guys are trying too hard. They'll do ya' you just gotta ask nicely." He then grabbed his dick, causing Ben to yell out in anger and chuck a rock at him, but missed by several inches. He threw one back. Soon everyone started throwing rocks.
"ROCK WAR~!" Richie screamed, but a rock got thrown straight at his face. He laughed it off and got back up, continuing to chuck rocks at each other. You hit Henry in the dick, but he hit you straight in the face. You groaned and fell on your back, hissing in pain. "Man down! Man down!" You yelled dramatically, and Richie bent down besides you.
He lifted your head up off the ground, muttering "shit shit shit shit" every second. He wasn't exactly a medical expert, but he knew one. "Eddie! Get your wheezing ass over here!" He yelled, and Eddie came over. Richie put your head in Eddie's hands and went to give Bowers a beating. You guys ended up winning and watched with satisfaction as Henry's friends ran while he lay on the floor in pain. Everyone else left, but Richie stayed put. "Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!" He yelled, then gave him the finger on both hands as he walked away.
He trotted over to you and Eddie, and you giggled at their major concern. "It's just a nosebleed. It's okay." You got back on your feet, and Richie sighed while Eddie nodded and caught up with the rest of the gang. "I don't like seeing you get hurt." He whispered, then ran up to the rest. You followed.
"Welcome to the Losers Club, Mike." Richie stated as they walked, everyone proud that they beat Henry and his goons. "Thanks but, you shouldn't have done that. He'll be after you now."
Richie scoffed. "Bowers? He's always been after us, we're just good at giving him a beatdown." He stated proudly, causing you to chuckle. You all went with your original plan to go down town, with Mike.
Once you got there, you looked at missing posters of kids. It made you sad. "Here. They said they found part of his hand all chewed up near the standpipe." Ben explained, pointing at the picture. Eddie sighed. "He asked to borrow a pencil once."
"It's like she's been f-f-forgotten because Corcoran's missing." Bill whispered, his eyes clouding with sadness. Meanwhile, Richie was trying to play someone's instrument, but they yanked it back.
"What the fuck, dude?" He yelled as he walked away, handing Eddie an icecream cone. "Whatcha guys talking about?"
"What they always talk about." Stan replied, clearly uninterested. "I think it'll stop, for a little while at least." Ben thought aloud, and everyone looked at him. "What do you mean?" You asked, everyone else clearly about to ask the same thing.
"Well, i was going through my research, and all of the major events, like the explosion in '08, the Bradley Gang in '35, the Black Spot in '62, and now missing kids, it's all happening-" "-every 27 years." You finished for him, and he nodded.
"Okay, so let me get this straight. IT comes out wherever for awhile then what? Goes back into hibernation for 27 years?" Richie asked in disbelief. "It's kinda like those bugs that only come out once every 17 years. What are they called?" You looked at Stan as he talked. "Cicadas." You answered for him. Geez, you were answering a lot of questions.
"My grandfather thinks this town is cursed. He says that all the bad things that happened in this town are because of one thing." Mike announced, but you shook your head. "But we all saw different things." You countered, but this time it was Bill who spoke. "Maybe IT knows o-o-our fears and d-disguises as those." His suggestion made you feel uneasy. "I-I saw a leper. He was like a walking infection." Eddie stated, clearly disgusted at the thought.
"But you didn't. Because IT isn't real. Not Eddie's leper, or Bill seeing Georgie, or that woman I keep seeing.." Stan trailed off, but Richie picked up where he left off. "Is she hot?"
Stan looked at him in disbelief. "No, Richie! She isn't hot! She's-her face is all messed up. None of this makes any sense. They're like bad dreams." Stan gripped his head, closing his eyes, trying to relax.
"I don't think so. Look, I know the difference between a bad dream and real life." Mike answered, and Bill looked at him. "Y-you saw something too? What'd you see?" Mike looked down.
"You guys know that burnt down house on Harris Avenue? I was inside when it burned down. Before I was rescued, my mom and dad were trapped in the next room over from me. They were pushing and pounding on the door trying to get to me. But it was too hot. When firefighters found them the skin on their hands
melted down to the bone." Mike's story caused your heart to ache. "So we're all afraid of something." You thought aloud, and Richie scoffed.
"Got That right." He blurted, then realized what he said. You looked at him. "What are you afraid of?" Eddie asked, but you already knew the answer. Richie looked behind him, then back at the group.

Word Count; 1,480
A/N; Hey guyss! Sorry, this chapter was nOt good at all, but I hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for 3k reads!! I'm glad you guys like this! Thanks for all the votes and the kind comments, too! I deeply appreciate it❤️❤️🎈
Cya next time!!

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