"I'm tired of sitting around waiting for the Mob to go massacre themselves; I want to go in there and tell them who's boss," I told the lady at the desk
"I'm sorry James, but Carrie is out right now and she is the only one that can issue orders to send people out of the Embassy," she replied casually.
I went back to my room, waiting to get a call or anything that will get me moving, nothing has happened since the War. The War was horrible, according to my father, who was a leading general at the time, there was nuclear bombs and crazy men that would do anything to get blood on their hands, this group of savage bandits are now known as the Mob and are growing in numbers and weaponry at and unprecedented rate.
Later that evening, I felt my phone ring, it was Carrie, leader of the Embassy.
"James, I need you to do me a favor, get to my office ASAP," she said hastefully.
"Ok, it will only be a few seconds," I replied.
I get down to her office, she's with a man I've never seen around, he appears to be around eighteen.
"This is Will, he was found by a patrol in the Badlands," Said Carrie, "I need you to teach Will here about the embassy and how things work around here,"
"Ok, where will Will be staying?" I question.
"Those arrangements are not set and stone yet, until then, I was hoping he could bunk with you," she says.
"Sounds ok, Will come on, I'll show you to my room," I say smoothly and slowly, letting the words roll off my tongue.
I walk over to the staircase, and look behind my shoulder to make sure he's following.
By the time he gets into my room, his eyes are about to pop out and his mouth is almost touching the floor.
"This different from your previous accommodation?" I ask.
"Yeah, this place is so... clean and... not made of tarp," says mesmerized Will.
"I guess this is slightly different from the Badlands, I've never been out there myself," I hint around him telling me about it.
"Everything there is gray, and here it's all green and civilized," he says almost jealous.
He begins rambling on about how grateful he is for the patrol that found him, I sort of zone him out while I think of some other things, then he starts talking about something that gets my attention.
"From viewing distance of where my family's camp was, there was a wall of some sort. We were told to stay away from it because there were Mob camps near it," Will stats with a tone of curiosity.
"Hmm, I've heard of quarantine zones that were surrounded by large walls, but those were just stories from stuff I heard when I was a kid," I reply.
I look out my window to see if I can see any walls, although I look out it a thousand times every day.
"Can't see it from here," I shout, thinking something would come into my view and go "Hey! the wall he's talkingabout is right here!" but of course, nothing happened.
"Tell you what Will, some time this week I'll see what I can do to get us a truck to go see this wall," I say.
"That would be really cool!" he shouts. "But to get back on track, what was that lady from earlier talking about? Something about showing me around?" he asks.
"Oh yeah, Carrie," I say. "Let's do that tomorrow, it's getting late,"
* * *