Is it love?

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ok so this ends whereit left off enjoy

As we came to Sebastians house he said " I was wondering if I could go to your house just until my mom comes home unless she does not come home then I can spend the night right"?

I sighed "Sure , whatever". Sebastian did a little dance and jumped up and down next thing I knew was that I was being hugged by strong arms, and for some reason I did not want him to let go.

"GAYYY" a kid named Josh yelled behind us. "Hey shut up"Sebastian turned around, I felt empty without his arms around me.

Josh slapped the back of my head and said "Are you the kid whos mother died in that wreak , if so thats Lam- before he could finish I heard skin on skin slap sound.

Sebastian hit Josh in the face with full power and he ran like his life depended on it , and it probly did.

We started to walk back and I could hear Sebastian whisper " Sorry I dont want people to hurt you again" again what does he mean again?

At my house Sebastian said hi to my Aunt red and followed me upstairs."So this is my room" I say. "Cool" Sebastian lands on my bed making a whoosh sound. I looked over at the clock 7:00 "im tired" I said laying on the bed not even bothering to change into pjs.

I started to drift into sleep but I swear I felt lips on my forhead.

Mom noo mommy it ok then the men took me and did nasty things GEEET AWWAYY I Scream but they still hurt.

I luanch up from my bed screaming I relize Sebastian is gone and I miss his body next to mine.

I hope u like I will update soon goodbye my KITTENS

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