Try me.

139 9 1

Faiths P.O.V

I sat hopless and weak when one of the guards came in, he put down meat on a table. He grabbed the wip and smiled.

"Please no", I pleaded backing up to the wall.

He smiled and wipped me right in my face. No one hits me in the face, I grabbed the chain and broke it not caring how much it hurt and swong the chain right to him and flew to the other side, his face swelled up and he sat but then someone grabbed me and forced my face to hit the hard ground. I kicked him in the face but the secound I swong my leg he grabbed it and bent it in a angle it shouldnt be in.

I sceamed in pain and he let go and helped his buddy up and locked me in the cell. Tears found there way into my eyes. I notice it was healing wrong. One way to solve this. I bent my foot in another direction and forced my self not to sceam as my bones cracked. Finally I laid there in pain, might take a month or weeks for it to heal. I laid there when a voice said,

"You okay"?

I turn to see a guy in the other cell in front of me, "Yeah", my voice sounded dry and awful.

"Here", a water bottle rolled into my side.

I dragged my self to get it and drank some. "Thanks".

He just smiled. "Sence I helped you and will help you can you help me"?

I wasent sure about what he meant but I nodded.

"Do you have enought stregth to pry open the cell bars"?

I sat up and grabbed one of the silver cell bars and pry opened it but quickly jerking my hand back. I saw it begain to burn. I carfully limped out to his cell, I notice his cell wasent silver so it was easier but I quickly ran out of streagth. He pulled me in and gave me the meat that I saw earlier, I ate it quickly and got up putting the pressure on my other leg that was fine.

He looked at the wall and smiled at me, I got my hand into a fist and it glowed but not as bright. I gatherd all my power and streagth and broke the wall. Just when I was gonna fall he caught me and carried me bridal style. I quickly let the darkness take over.

Ken P.O.V

I carried her like a bride, a smile came across my face but then the sirens went off. I ran with her in my hands. I ran miles away from there when I finally got to my mansion. I walked in and set her down on my bed letting her rest.

"Rest for now you'll need it", I spoke

I walked up to the bathroom and grabbed some medic stuff and headed back to my room. I exaimed her wounds on her wrist, I poured alchole on it and wrapped it with bandages. I exaimed her foot and it was healing slowly, I also wrapped it. A smile spread across my face,

~She reminds me of Fushia~ my wolf said

~Yeah and I will take care of like she was because I cant have that agian~

I got up towards the kitchen to make dinner.

Shelby's P.O.V

I woke up and sat up to see I was wrapped in banges where I was bleeding from the wip. I tried to get up but my foot fell sore as hell. I got up and put the pressure on my other leg where it wasent ingured and limped to the door.

Where am I..

"My place", the guy smiled.


"We ll I didnt introuduce myself Im Ken", he said taking my hand and kissing it.

"Im Faith".

"Well then Faith I have dinner ready, is your leg okay".

"Yeah im alright".

I followed him to a table where I saw four plates. Did someone eles live here.

"Take a seat anywhere".

I sat across from him, "Who are thoughs for", I said looking at the two bowls.

"My buddies they should be here but yeah".

We ate in silence, once I finish I sat in the living room and watched a movie while Ken was up stairs showering. Suddenly the door swong open and two buff men came in,

"Yeah did you see the look on hi-"

They notice me.

"Who the hell are you", one of them growled.

I quickly ran up stairs but they followed me. I ran into the room I was in before and locked it,

"Open up or ill kill you"!

I looked around and saw a window it was pouring outbside, I opened it and made my way to the roof trying not to slip. I heard the door slam open, I quickly went up the the roof but they followed.

"We got you now".

I panicked and looked at my leg it was still healing but now it burted because of the running. They shifted to two huge wolves, I got in position sence I cant shift if I do its possible my leg will never heal. One of them lunged at me and I put my hand to a fist and punched him causing him to fall but he holded on tonthe roof ege,

"You bastered"!

The other one lunged and I did the same thing but he fell back. I looked at the one hanging on, I grabbee him paws and forced him up to the roof, I was dripping from the heavy rain. I quickly felt dizzy from using to much streagth.

"What happen Faith", said Ken comming up to the roof.

"Faith? You mean you know this girl", said one of them holding his head.

"Yeah come inside".





I sat down and notice one guy had an ice pack and putting it on his head while the other on his face.

"So this is Faith the girl that I texted about that was gonna stay here".

"Sorry because Mr Smart pants over here dropped the phone in the water", said the one with the ife pack to his head.

"My bad".

"Its okay, I shouldnt of ran", I shrugged

"How are you that strong"?

I thought about should I or not but it seems it doesnt matter now. " Im the wingded beast"

They all stiffened,


"Thats awesome", smiled the one to the ice pack to his face.

"Yeah. Not really sence there after me. Well whats your names".

"Im Jeff", said the one with the ice pack on his face


I smiled.

"Well off to bed".

Ken showed me mybroom and with that I fell asleep.

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