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I remember, just before I lost consciousness, my life flashing before my eyes as I was tossed into the ocean like a rag doll.

I saw the lovely women who had cared for me, their gentle eyes peering down their noses as I had learned to walk. I relived the great topic of my hair, whether to cut it or let it grow as I grew older. I watched the choir sing as I sat on a pew, shuffling my feet and tightening my lips over my mouth, trying not to speak as my childish nature had begged for release. I once again snuck out of my quarters to see a boy, then lied to the nuns' faces about my whereabouts. I saw the Trials, the sickening pit of despair once again growing in my stomach when I realized I wouldn't win. They thought I was a witch. A cold blooded, mean spirited, evil witch. I was forced to plead my case to the disapproving judge. There were too many people against me, some including the very nuns who had raised me. And finally, my death came. The release to the memories I had endured.

Now, in my new life, I am going to fix all of the bad I had caused. No, I am not quite a reincarnation. More of a transferred soul. You see, I am one of the few Greats. We Greats only come around every so often, as I have never met another. I can assure you that you will probably never meet anyone such as I, seeing as we are so few among several billion in this world. But, if you ever meet one who's knowledge is so wide, they appear to have every answer, you may just have found one.

I've never really had a chance in this world. Sure, I may have every answer, but it's my decisions that cause me to tumble. In my most recent life with the nuns, I let too many people find out what I was, and that caused me to be hurtled to my death. This has happened to me in every lifetime. I die time after time. Luckily, I never have stopped receiving chances. After every death, I have always been transferred to a new body. When a mother is about to have a baby, I am put in to replace that child's soul, of which is disposed. No, I'm not cruel enough that I would prevent a soul's life. You see, I have no choice in the matter. I cannot stop this occurrence, even if I wanted to, and believe me, I've tried.

As I waited for a new body in a blank abyss, something I have come to think of as the Tedious Room For Troubled Souls, I began to wonder about my new life, my name, my looks, my status, even my living quarters. I had one last troubling thought before I was whooshed away into oblivion: what if I don't even have a purpose?

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