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Well shit. The world just went to hell in a hand basket.

Amelia had her had around my waist as I manuvered the bike through late night traffic.

"Where are we headed babe?" I asked as I 'accidently' cut someone off. People really do have colorful vocabularies these days.

"I must speak with my queen, I have a feeling that this going to get really bad." She said whispering in my ear over the roar of the engine and wind.

I still haven't told her that she doesn't have to whisper in my ear in order for me to hear her. Remember I said she doesn't like bras.

We pulled up to the portal and I shut off the bike and got off after her.

"You don't have to walk me to the portal, I'm good from here." She said pulling me in for a kiss.

I kissed her deeply then pulled away. And began pulling her towards the portal.

"I know and I'm not walking you to the portal, I'm coming with you." I told as we walked forward.

She pulled me to a stop and shook her head.

"I appreciate it but its dangerous for any one without fae blood to travel there. You could get seriously hurt or killed."

I smirked at her.

"Don't worry about me, I promise that I'll be okay. Besides it not my first time in the land of fae, I had to come here yesterday to kidnap your queen." I say to her shocked face and pull her through the portal.


Going to the land if fae is always a little disorenting, it feels as the world quickly shifts itself and then just as quickly rightens. It makes me want to throw up, but I hold it in.

The portal we used is really close to the palace so its just a short walk.

We pass different fae of every shape, size and color. Tall, short, green, red,human looking and under fae (under fae are fae that can never pass as human. Creature like fae).

The fae market was busy this time of night. They were selling everything from human trinkets to potions and meat. We ignored it all and continued on our way to the palace.

When we reached the palace doors the guard greeted Amelia and completly ignored me. I didn't think anything of it until we went to get pass.

As soon as Amelia stepped pass,he stood in the door and blocked my way.

"You're not welcome here, go back to where you came from dog." He growled.

I turned around to see who he was calling a dog because I was positive he wasn't meaning me. I was shocked to find that there was no one behind me. Amelia came rushing back out to find out what was wrong.

"Big boy here told me to go away and called me a dog." I told her still looking at the guard as he glared down at me.

"Go on ahead I'll catch up, I know my way around." I say motioning her to go on without me.

"Are you sure? I can wait?"

"No no go ahead, I want to have a conversation about respect with my new friend here." She nods and then disappears through the door again.

As soon as she's gone I turn my frost on the guard, he steps back and actually puts his hand on his weapon.

"Now listen here big bird, you need to step aside and get out of my way before I kick your ass for blocking me, not to mention what I want to do to you for calling me a dog." He takes a step towards me and invades my personal space.

Didn't I just have a converstation with someone about boundaries?

"What can you do to me dog, I'm three times your size and far stronger than you." He sneers down at me.

Nodding my head I turn it away from him then snap it back lightning fast with a vicious smirk on my lips. He tries to step back I've already jumped up and I punch him twice in the face. He topples over already unconcious by the time he hits the gound.

I go around him and through the door and down the hall to the room I know they're at.

"Should have just let me pass asshole." I say outloud to no one.


The palace is a mix between old world and mordern, they flow from one style to the next. But I'm not here to adimire their decorating style.

I pushed the meeting room door open and was meet with chaos.

Shouting, cursing, accusations, threats. I ignored them and went to sit by Amelia, we shared a look then went back to watching the show.

"You were preparing to go to war against us!" Queenie shouts.

"I have done no such thing, that video is false!" Casper shouts back.

"You asswipe, I've know of your backstabbing ways for a while now. Now it's out there for all to see" Queenie shouts back. I really should learn their names sooner or later.

I actually laugh at that last comment and all their heads snap round to me.

"What are you doing here?" Queenie.

"Your not invited."Casper.

"Don't mind me folks, I'm just chilling with my girl." I say and throw my arm around Amelia's shoulder and pulling her closer. She blushes.

That just gets the same argument going all over again. I sigh and lean back in my chair pulling Amelia into my lap.

"It's gonna be a long night babe."

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