A Secret?

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My head hung low as I stood behind the black casket

My father has always been a mysterious man, but good at heart. He has always been kind to me and was to my mother.

My mother, I miss her already.

My glance became a hard stare as I struggled to figure out what caught his eye.

My father, Daniel Cartrige, was giving whatever he saw a cold stare. I felt the uncomfortable chill trickle down the middle of my back like a droplet of water.

What could be more important than the corpse we are standing in front of?

When it came my turn to stand before the crowd of my mothers friends and I family I stumbled to my place and struggled to find words to explain what I was feeling. "I really don't know what to say..." I began honestly as my tone shook, "I mean, she was my mother, the woman who took part in raising me, my role model. I guess that's why I am the woman I am today..." I said a few more things before I walked back to where I stood before.


I sped up trying to catch up with him. My legs were not the longest, nor was I very active. I pulled Daniels arm back and he just looked at me straight forth with the same expression he had before. He said nothing just stared. Then he broke for the first time in a week, he just broke. Starting with a tear he then pulled me in with a jerk and cried in my shoulder.

I accepted it and squeezed him as I began to sob.

My great aunt walked up pulling us apart. She kissed me on the cheek, "I can only imagine what your going through Ana, your mother was a wonderful woman." I agreed with a motionless nod. I struck a smile then ran to the car where I hopped shotgun with my dad, he didn't look at me or anything, just drove off.

We arrived home after a long and silent drive. I don't think much could get worse.

I plopped on my bed upstairs after taking a shower and decided to throw on some soffe shorts and a large T-Shirt.

I haven't looked on my phone because I really didn't want to hear what people had to say.

Yet I immediately texed my bestfriend, Brianna I called her Bri. I talked to her about everything, we have talked to eachother since seventh grade. I loved her to death I wish she was my sister. I was stuck an only child.

I am seventeen, I live in California and was born in New Mexico. My mother just died from trying to give birth to her second child. He died too. my full name is Analese Gabriella Garcia, my nickname is ana.


The next day I went to school.

I attended Garrison E. High School and I was only a junior. I kept to myself, but usually I would rank loudest. My friends knew better. Knew not to talk or to fuck with me especially now.

The day was dreadful, but my brain started to malfunction after fourth hour.

He was so good looking and sharp. I knew I joined welcoming commitee for a good reason.

I was assigned to him.

I danced around inside my malfunctioning head. After having him for three classes and sitting close to him for two. I discovered he was some intelligent son of a bitch and i loved it.

He grew unbareably sexy. His name was Thomas Carter. He moved from Minnesota so I learned.


After the bell sounded allowing the prisoners to go home and sleep; he gave my backpack a hard tug. I guess he was checking my level of banter.

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