✂ mississippigurl_21

68 0 0

Username :  @mississippigurl_21

Prompt : Don't Go

Explanation :  I picked this PROMPT because the GENRE of this PROMPT is my Weakness .. I want to try this to test if I'm good with Action .. But I think it looked like Angst .. I made this because I am related to the title ..

I used Black, Shade of Gray, White(sort of) and Gold for the designs of the Gun, and Red Beacause It fits in the Genre .. Bec. the most common colors in this Genre(Action) are Brown, Black, Blue, Red, Silver, Gold, White and Grey right ?? And also I used a gun to represent the genre "ACTION" thats all ..

Hush Graphic CompetitionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon