The field hand lady or whatever outside of the pokemon daycare always says the same shit every time I go to pick up my eevee eggs
Nursery Lady: Oh, hey! blah blah blah I found an egg! I don't know where it came from because Nintendo says we're not aloud to talk about sex and we live in a world we cuss words don't exist yet the pokedex says people get fucking killed by pokemon!
Me: ... Are you ok?
Nursery Lady: I've experienced a lifetime of strict conformation and lack of ability to feel any pleasure in myself!
Me: *Pages Charizard*
Nursery Lady: Wait come back, your the only person who has enough free will to understand my pain and keep me mentally stable.
Me: * Flies hastily back to Hau'oli city while her words echo endlessly through my mind*
Me: I think I have PTSD