Kageyama x Male Reader

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Title: Like a Dream, it Felt Surreal.

You are a WS (Wing Spiker), 3rd year, and Kageyama is your love interest.

I love the picture


He jumped up as high as he could with his strong legs, aiming his powerful spike in between a weak spot in the block.  "Yosha!" (M/N) shouted as they won the 3v3.  Kageyama looked at (M/N) with an intrigued look, interested in the said male as his soft (H/L) (H/C) hair was being messed up by Tanaka, the other one on his team for the 3v3 with Kageyama.  (M/N) walked over to Kageyama, a smug look on his face.  Kageyama stood still, not processing what was going to happen.  His smug look deteriorated into a serious glare, still striding toward Kageyama.  

He froze, thinking he was in trouble with his senpai that he adored with all his heart.  (M/N) stopped right in front of him, eyes shadowed by his hair.  "Oi, Kageyama..." He growled out, intimidating, not only Kageyama but everyone in the gym.  "Y-yes (L/N)-Senpai?" He stuttered out, majorly intimidated by the older teammate in front of him.  A few silent minutes passed, then (M/N) gave his widest smile and held up his hands. "Nice job! Those sets were perfect!"  Kageyama's face went ablaze as he went to return the high-five his crush was going to give him.  

When his hands were at the right height, (M/N) slapped his hands with such vigor, Kageyama stumbled back a bit.  They went to go shake hands, but Kageyama stayed back a bit, smiling at his hands that were red from the high-five (M/N) gave him.  As they were cleaning up the gym, the ebony haired setter trodded toward his senpai, who was taking a quick swig of water before he went back to work.  "A-Ano, (L/N)-senpai?" Kageyama stammered out, looking anywhere but (M/N).  The said Wing Spiker looked toward the blueberry with wide eyes, curious on what he was going to say.  

"Naff... Niff... Knife... N-Nice job today... Is there anything I could do to set more... Eto... comfortable to you?" He inquired, fiddling with his fingers as he adverted his eyes elsewhere.  (M/N) gave a soft chuckle, then patted him on the shoulder.  "Not right now, your sets are fine.  Look at you, being part of a team!" He gave a hearty laugh, then walked out the door with Kageyama following.  They sat on the ground and looked up at the sunset.  "Kataware Doki: Twilight, when it's neither Day nor Night.  When the world blurs and you might encounter something that's not human."  Kageyama looked at (M/N) with an awed look as his senpai continued staring up at the sky, eyes bright with amazement.  

Sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall, they both sat there in silence.  Kageyama went back to staring in the same direction as (M/N), curious to what he was looking at.  Without realizing, the awkward 1st year had been leaning on (M/N)'s shoulder, using it as a pillow.  He bolted upright and started apologizing.  (M/N) gave a soft smile and assured him it was fine.  "You can lean on it again if you want..." The (H/C) male offered in a soft tone, not wanting to ruin the calm atmosphere around them.  Kageyama's face burned, but hesitantly started leaning on (M/N)'s broad, and surprisingly comfortable, shoulder, not wanting this to end.  

Kageyama's hand rested on his knee and he soon felt a larger, calloused hand encase his own and caress it.  He looked up to his crush, who still looked at the sky with such wonder.  They sat there, enjoying each other's presence in the silent night.  After a couple of minutes, they heard a faint "Hey, where'd Kageyama and (L/N)-senpai go?"  and a chorus of confused answers.  They stood up, both not wanting to have to go back inside and away from each other.  (M/N) grasped Kageyama's face and connected through a kiss.  Staring in shock, Kageyama felt weak in that brief moment of love.  

"Treasure the experience.  Dreams fade away after you wake up."  (M/N) whispered, leaning against Kageyama's forehead.  He pulled away and walked toward the door, ready to open it.  He turned to Kageyama and held out a hand.  "Let's go. They'll be starting to worry now." (M/N) called.  Kageyama reached out a hand and grasped it in his lover's larger ones.  In that moment, everything was like a dream.  So surreal.


Yay.  I finished.  I was looking for a strike of inspiration to hit, and this is what I got.  

Hope you guys liked it...  

[DISCONTINUED] Haikyuu x Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now