49 | truth is a killer

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F O R T Y - N I N E | truth is a killer


The jovial atmosphere in the car faded with my question. I had asked Indy to pick me up the moment Colt had left for Spain. But it was suspicious how easily he had agreed.

"You want me to guess?" I asked. Indiana remained tight-lipped as he looked out the window. "Vegas is the only place you like in this country. But you wouldn't go there unless you're alone. That means... you didn't come here for leisure. So, which prison did you visit this time?"

Indy clenched his jaw as he typed something on his phone. "Whatever, Caprice. Think what you want."

I sighed. Indy's obsession over Aeon's death had put a huge blot over our relationship. He loathed how I easily moved on while he continued grieving. I couldn't blame him. The three of us were best friends. And yet, I would shut Indy out the moment he spoke of Aeon and his plan to avenge him.

Indiana understood that it was my defense mechanism. He always understood me. But I could see it now, how painful it must have been for him to face Aeon's death alone.

"I'm sorry," I said.

Indy's gray eyes narrowed with suspicion. "What?"

"I won't stop you, Indy. If finding Aeon's murderer will help you find peace, then so be it."


The disbelief in his face made me chuckle. I reached out and held his large hand on my small one. "Just promise me that you'll be careful. I cannot lose another best friend. Not again."

Indy squeezed my hand. "I promise." He looked and inspected my hand with a frown. "So, no ring? Please tell me you have a plan."

I yanked my arm back, crossing my arms and legs as we entered the highway. "Yeah. Things happened and my emotions got the better of me. But yes, I have a plan."

"What plan?"

"I will meet with Alvarez's son."

"Caprice..." Worry laced his words. "I told you that I cannot find him."

I glanced at him, my fingers tapping against my arm. "There is something you're not telling me. What is it?"

"God, why can't I hide anything from you?" Indy grunted, shoving a hand in his hair. "Alvarez married twice. His son with his current wife is already married so I looked into his first wife. But it turns out that they didn't have any children."

"Alvarez is lying?"

"I don't know. But I have a feeling that someone powerful is backing him, erasing his tracks. And this tells me that the connection your grandmother seeks is very dangerous."

I swallowed hard. It did seem like my grandmother was taking too much risk to have a line in the illegal side of things. "I don't think Alvarez is lying though. He came to the dinner without his son but his confidence didn't waver. That means... he was certain that the marriage will happen. Or he was sure that this powerful person will set everything up for him. All the more reason we should talk to whoever his son is. Maybe he can tell us why grandmother is desperate for this marriage to happen."

"I see. And then?"

I pressed my lips tight. "I don't know, Indy. I don't know what his motives are so planning a negotiation is futile. I will think more once we find him."

"Well, I hope you can find that weakness," he mumbled, leaning his head against the headrest. There was a bitterness in his voice that confused me.


He snorted as he closed his eyes. "I  thought we'd marry each other, Caprice. Everyone thought so. But your grandmother didn't even blink as she told me that I am not good enough for you. Since that day, I wondered what kind of man would the iron hag approve of? That's why... Alvarez' son... he must be fucking greater than me."

"You're being stupid." I scooted closer to him, resting my head against his shoulder. "Abuela's approval is not important. You are a great man. Maybe not for me. But you are great. Don't forget that."

"Priz?" He placed his chin on the top of my head.


"Do you think I could ask you about what happened... that day?"

I shut my eyes close as his warmth wash over me. I was okay with Aeon's death but forcing myself to recall those memories that were stained with blood made my fingers shake. I took a deep breath. "One of these days... you can."

Indy rubbed my arm, soothing the anxiety within me. "Okay. Thank you."

The ride to the airport was basked in silence. We didn't talk as Perez drove us to where Indy's jet was. It was only when we were inside that my mood was lifted a bit.

"Strawberries? Dios mio!" I exclaimed when I passed by a bowl of assorted fruits on the way in. "Do you know strawberries weigh almost five dollars per kilo? So expensive!"

"What? Since when did you care about prices?" Indy chortled as we sat facing each other on the beige-colored chairs. The table between us was slowly being filled with sushi and other Japanese cuisines.

I rolled my eyes at his nonchalance. I didn't have the right to judge since I also enjoyed luxury. But thinking of Colt and how desperately they worked hard to earn money made my heart caved. "Whatever. It's because you're a billionaire."

Indiana's amusement was written all over his face. "And you're not?"

"I'm not." I clenched my jaw in anger as I picked up my chopsticks and ate a piece of sashimi. "My grandmother is the rich one."

"Chin up, Caprice. You are great despite what the hag says," he said with a small smile.

I arched an eyebrow, chewing the fish in my mouth. "Where are your men?"

"They have an errand to attend to." Indy stood up and disappeared further. He came back with a folder that barely had anything on it. He handed it to me. "That's everything I have. Think you can find out where the son is?"

I accepted the folder with a smirk. "Is that doubt I hear?"

I scanned through the documents while Indy ate. Half the info was as what Indy reported. The other half was the shady businesses that Alvarez had deals with. Then, I stopped at the profile of the first wife.

The woman was a doctor. After her divorce, she settled into a town in the northwest and opened a clinic. The place had burned down years ago but Indy managed to find traces of her in the town hall.

There was an old picture with the documents. The faded photograph had the image of a black-haired woman with several kids surrounding her.

Then, I saw it.

A boy with deep, dark eyes that I knew too well.

"No way," I muttered as my heart raced.

Why are you here, Colt?

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