The Deities

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Long ago, the Earth was created by 4 deities, Leadership, Justice, Life, and Love. They each made sure to add things that would make the world wonderful.

Life provided animals and plants to populate the Earth,

Love, Life's sister, made sure families would be happy and wondrous,

Justice made laws for things to abide by, and to make people be punished,

And Leadership made sure these things worked together to create the Earth.

After a while, Justice and Love had a child, named Morality. He made sure that people knew right from wrong. He would watch his father with how he punished the sinned, and he watched his mother with how she would allow living things to care for one another.

As Morality grew older, he noticed some things he didn't like about how the deities ruled. Many of the punishments his father gave seemed too harsh on those who wronged, and that his mother stopped some people from ever being in love. Morality confronted the leaders.

"Maybe there can be a better way too rule"

"Nonsense. This has been the way the world has been ruled and will continued to be ruled" Leadership said.

"My child, it will be best to have this conversation when you're older, once you understand more" Love spoke to Morality.

"Mother, I am 160 years old. I think I am old enough to understand that this not the best way to rule. Father, surely you will agree that this is unjust and wrong" Morality spoke back.

"Son, you are right. You should be old enough to understand. Sadly, if you do not see the light in this, then maybe a thousand years with the humans will teach you a lesson"

With that, Morality was banished to the mortal realm, stripped of all his powers and memories, cursed to be powerless for a thousand years.


"That was a stupid story" Philip said closing his book.

"I thought it was interesting. I wonder what happened to Morality" Theodosia, Philip's classmate and girlfriend, added.

"I dunno, but this story had a horrible moral. 'Don't question authority?' The American revolution was based on questioning authority!"

"Well, this is an old story. Is there a sequel ?"

"Nope. That was the last thing about Morality ever written. Poor guy. Also, can I just say how horrible his parents were? Who just banishes their son to somewhere?!"

"Look, you didn't have to like the story. You just wanted the grade for English"

Philip chuckled "You're right. Now, let's go. Georges, William, and Frances will be waiting for us at Starbucks.

Theo rolled her eyes "Fine"

As they reached the Starbucks, they saw that the others already bought their drinks. Philip and Theo walked over to them.

"How did they mess up your names this time?" Philip asked.

"I decided to say my full name 'Georges de La Fayette', but they only put George" Georges responded, sipping on his pumpkin spice latte.

"I got 'Willy', my bro probably wrote that, since this is when he works" William said, holding a normal coffee

"I just got 'France'. As in the country. At least it wasn't 'Francis'. I hate it when  people misspell it like that" Frances added, sipping the ice coffee like a shot. Philip thought she inherited it from her father, who sadly died when she was 1.

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