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In a world where a third of the world is a land fill and covered in garbage, the other parts of the world are amazing, but this world is very judgmental.

Three districts: Lower Class District, Middle Class District, and the High Class District. The people who are in the Low Class District are the people who live in the landfills or as they like to call them neighborhoods. The Middle Class District is where all the stores, shops and lower jobs are, along with lots of apartments that take up 5 large states combined. The High Class District is where all the beautiful, rich and amazing people are; not only are the people beautiful but the buildings as well.

Introducing Carter Halls, Mason Stewart, Monty Sanchez, and Nathan Black. The bad boy, the athlete, the chef and the goof ball; all gods in the eyes of the women in the world the hottest people in Malibu. All cocky, weird, and funny in their own way. they have the best clothes, the best house, the best food and the best women. All except one, a girl who is completely misunderstood.

Kaylee West a girl who is messy and roughed up, has a bad past and a few scars. She's probably the most beautiful girl in the whole world, yet everyone is to self centered to notice her. Though most of the beautiful people are in the upper class district and the most beautiful are in Malibu. She was born into a world that didn't deserve her, the Lower Class District. She's kind, beautiful, has a big heart and is a bit sassy but over all a bit bad assy. She's had a tough life but you won't catch her crying about it, at least not in public.

This book is a little bumpy at the beginning but will smooth out as you keep reading.

If their is anything that you feel relates to you on a personal or non personal level in this book is purely coincidental all of this is a small part that has come from my brain. This book will also have self harm and other related topics, so if you don't do well with this please know that you don't have to read this book and you may move on to a more appropriate book. This book will also have cuss words on occasion.

If you feel the need to correct an error I make in this book please do, I am open to suggestions for this book, other books, or future books.

I am also sorry if this is somehow related to someone else's book, I don't know how it could be though considering I thought of this in a dream. I have some pretty weird dreams.


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