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This is just what I imagine the characters as, you of course, are free to imagine whatever you want. I mean, it's not like I would hunt you down for not liking my picks, and imagining your own. Or would I?

Kaylee has bright electricity blue eyes, is 22

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Kaylee has bright electricity blue eyes, is 22. She is always ready for a fight and always have her defenses up. Though, she is always up for a good fight, when things get rough she's a flight kinda person.

 Though, she is always up for a good fight, when things get rough she's a flight kinda person

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Carter has enchanting gray eyes that looks like a storm. He is 23 years old, and has a past that doesn't like to be brought up.

Mason has bright green eyes and is 22, he's always ready for a girl and is waiting for 'the one' at the same time

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Mason has bright green eyes and is 22, he's always ready for a girl and is waiting for 'the one' at the same time. ( not sure that even makes sense)

Nathan has hazel eyes and is 22 years old, he hates it when people are sad because of his past and wants other people to always be happy

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Nathan has hazel eyes and is 22 years old, he hates it when people are sad because of his past and wants other people to always be happy.

Nathan has hazel eyes and is 22 years old, he hates it when people are sad because of his past and wants other people to always be happy

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Monty has brown eyes and is the oldest out of all of them, at 24 years old he loves to cook for people. The only food he holds from making in public are his famous edible silver oranges.

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