♡ How you met ♡

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S A E Y O U N G / 7 0 7 / L U C I E L : You were the newest member of the RFA and you were supposed to finally meet the other boys in person at some cafe nearby, as you walked in, the smell of coffee, air-conditioning and baked treats immediately filled your nose, you were about to sit down at a random table and wait for them when you heard someone yell out, "Hey!"
You turned your head in the voice's direction and saw a blonde frantically waving at, what you hoped, was you. You looked around the cafe, there were a lot of people here, you faced the blonde again and pointed at yourself. He nodded "Yes you! Get over here!" he exclaimed. You smiled and made your way over to the table. Once you did, you saw three other men at the same table, one a ravenette, who had his head in his hands, another with silver hair, who was checking himself out in a mirror and the last one was a redhead. Who was grinning at you, you waved at the group a bit nervously. "Er, hello...?" you said, the boys waved at you. "You must be the newest RFA member!" the redhead says as he holds out his hand for you to shake. You could clearly see a joy buzzer in it and smirked, "Yeah, I am. My name's Y/N, nice joy buzzer."
The redhead chuckled and took off the joy buzzer, "Well played Y/N. My name's Seven, 707."

Z E N / R Y U H Y U N : You yourself were a singer, you wrote your own songs and you recorded them and shared them with the whole world. Almost everybody knew your name, and those who don't know you were clearly living under a rock because you've been conquering the music industry for over seven years now. Everyone loved you and your haters (obviously) hated you.
So right now, you were currently walking down the streets of South Korea while many of your Korean fans swarmed you, you were thankful that your two bodyguards were able to keep them away from you, sure, you loved your fans, but they can be a bit overwhelming at times, so when you finally got into the less crowded streets, you were a bit surprised at the fact that literally only ONE male was there.

You walked over to him and frowned when he sighed in frustration. "Okay, I get that I'm insanely attractive, but can your girls please just leave me alone for like, I don't know, five minutes!?" he exclaimed. You were taken back with his tone, but you answered nonetheless. "Listen buddy, I don't know what type of girls you attract, but it seems as though most of them are just a bunch of bitches who's attitudes are starting to rub off on you," you retorted. "Do forgive me if I'm not fawning over your looks right now."
He seemed surprised at the way you talked to him, no, you didn't talk that way to people most of the time, but you couldn't help it, besides, you were shocked at how you managed to do that without stuttering. The boy was silent for a few seconds until he started laughing, and soon enough, you were laughing as well. "Confident, I like that." he grinned, "Sorry for what I said by the way." you waved it off. "It's fine, no damage done." he smiled, "Also, hi, my name is Zen." You smiled as well. "Nice to meet you Zen, I'm Y/N."

J U M I N H A N : Being the receptionist for a very large and well-known company wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do for a living, people always called you whenever they wanted to file a complaint or have a meeting with your boss and you constantly got a headache from it, heck, you've called your boss' number so many times it's practically been written in your mind in permanent marker and you actually have become the master at multitasking, not many people know this because not many people appear to want something from you on a busy day. But the day you met him, was one of those busy days.

So as per usual, you were just sitting at your computer, finishing up an assignment handed to you when the sliding glass doors at the entrance slid open, without looking up from your computer, you asked. "Hi, welcome to CMPY/N, how may I help you?" "I'd like to schedule a meeting with your boss." a deep voice said, you nodded and were about to get your phone and dial your boss' number again when the main phone for customers at your desk rang and you sighed, knowing that it was gonna be a busy day ahead. You quickly dialed your boss' number as you picked up the other phone while it was still ringing. "Hello how may I help you?" you said. "Um sir, would you mind telling me your name?" you asked, heading over to one of the drawers and scanning through files. The phone left on your desk was on speakerphone so your boss answered. "Hello?" you covered the receiver of your current phone. "Sir, a man would like to schedule a meeting with you." you said, uncovering the receiver.
"Very well then, when exactly should this meeting take place?" your boss asked, you looked over at the man in front of your desk and finally took note of his appearance, ravenette, sophisticated-looking with a powerful aura surrounding him. "Sir, when would you like your meeting?" you asked, the man answered. "Five in the afternoon. Tomorrow." you nodded and rushed towards your desk, ︎︎writing that down as you went back to answer the customer. "Sir, I'm afraid I don't see a file saying you have purchased something from this company... Have a good day." you placed that phone back down and picked up the other phone, seeing that the boss has clicked out of the call. "Okay sir, may I get your name?" you asked, calmly sitting back down. "Jumin Han." he said, you wrote down his name and saw that he was leaving. "Have a good day Mr. Han." you said, but noticed a small pice of paper underneath your pencil holder. You picked it up and read what was on it; XXX-XX-XXX Call me. ~Jumin
You smiled slightly. "I know I will."

Y O O S U N G K I M : 'And I thought I put this bullshit behind me back in highschool.' you thought as you were running late to class. College. You knew you should've just dropped out of high school and become a fast food employee. But no, you just had to want good grades and become a goddamn doctor, when you knew that the job would take EVEN MORE years of schooling.
So anyway, you were rushing around the hallways of your college, passing all the other students who either ditched or got out of class early when somebody else bumped into you at the same speed that you were going. Causing you both to fly backwards, your papers and backpack on the floor now. You rubbed your head. "Ow ow ow ow ow!" you groaned. "I am so. Sorry!" the person who bumped into you exclaimed. You looked up, and saw the goddamn cutest guy you have ever seen in your entire life.

"Are you okay?" he asked, stretching out a hand towards you as he stood up. You nodded and accepted his hand, using it to help yourself up. "Yes, yes I'm fine. I'm sorry about that, now, I'd  love to stay and chat but I am running REALLY late right now." you said, frantically picking your papers off the floor and shoving them into your backpack. "Oh, okay, I'm running late too. I'm Yoosung by the way." he said, you nodded and smiled, slipping your arms through one of the backpack's straps. "Nice to meet you Yoosung, I'm Y/N." and with that, you rushed off. The blonde boy still on your mind.


Wow, this has been longer than the usual chapters I make. But anyways, here you go! Sorry it's so long

Also. The song, holy shit I had an eargasm just listening to it XD.

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